Police buy a new bicycle for a kid whose old, rusty one had broken down

An act of kindness towards those less fortunate than us is often all we need to feel better about ourselves or others. After all, we are all human beings, and for this reason we possess feelings within us such as empathy, sympathy, solidarity and kindness. Extending a helping hand to those in difficulty is something that should come absolutely naturally to us, and this is something that the policemen, the subjects of this wonderful story, know very well ...
via Stark County's Sheriff Office/Facebook

Stark County Sheriff's Office/Facebook
On an August afternoon in Stark County, Ohio, two policemen were on patrol in the area when they saw a kid in distress. The kid could no longer use the pedals on his bicycle, and the bicycle was his only means of transport to and from the work that he did. After checking what the problem was, the two policemen realised that that bicycle was very old and particularly rusty. Given this, the policemen thought it would be a good idea to help out a kid in trouble and so they gave him a lift tohis workplace.
Before saying goodbye, the two officers - Miller and White - asked the boy what his name was. His name was Shavon Newman. When the two Stark County police officers told Sergeant Cook what they had done for the kid with the rusty bicycle, they didn't hesitate and decided to surprise Shavon ...

Not only did officers Miller and White find out where the kid and his family lived, but they decided to give him a brand new bicycle - at their own expense. With a new bicycle, Shavon would be able to throw his old one away and use the new one to cycle back and forth to the restaurant where he worked as a waiter. Obviously, Shavon Newman's face was one of great surprise and gratitude when he opened the door and saw officers White and Miller with a brand new two-wheeled gift for him. He could hardly believe that they had bought a new bicycle just for him!
The two police officers did the right thing - they saw a kid in difficulty and didn't think twice before making their generous gesture. The officers know it is noble to practice doing good deeds, and they did so with great success on this occasion.
Well done officers Miller and White!