Customer without an appointment gets his hair cut and leaves a $5,800 tip

by Mark Bennett

January 04, 2022

Customer without an appointment gets his hair cut and leaves a $5,800 tip

The crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic has affected many local businesses and shops - many of which have been forced to close forever. When a shop is forced to close its doors, it means that its employees will find themselves suddenly without a salary in the months to follow. This is regarded as a real disgrace and a disaster for many families. Among the most affected by the crisis are hairdressers and beauticians and, in today's story, we show how generous some people can be when helping out the less fortunate.

Ilisia Novotny is a hairdresser who works at Floyd's "99 Barbershop" in Denver (USA) and had the pleasure of ending her shift by cutting the hair of a stranger who had popped in needing a quick trim. The man gave her a $ 2,500 tip before he left!

via The Denver Post

Sometimes it's those touch-ups around your ears & the back of your neck that are so important in really making you feel like yourself again. 😍 Ready to make your reservation? Book at

Pubblicato da Floyd's 99 Barbershop su Lunedì 25 gennaio 2021

Ilisia Novotny had just 15 minutes to go before ending her shift. Notwithstanding this, she certainly did not refuse to cut the hair of a new client who was in a hurry but had not booked an appointment. Ilisia sat him down and started giving him the standard $ 27 cut. During the haircut, the two chatted a little about  the pandemic and the stylist did not hide her anxiety in facing her uncertain future. In fact, she shared that there are currently so many uncertainties that she was not sure that the shop would remain open for much longer. And if it closed, who would then provide for her family? As a single mother, who would pay the bills? This was a question that even her young son had asked her about. When the haircut was done, the man left the hairdresser a tip which, theoretically, should have been only a few dollars. But the man offered her $ 2,500 and, to make sure she understood he hadn't made a mistake, he said: "I didn't get it wrong - thats your tip."


"For him to come back and give out such generous tips to all my colleagues really just left me speechless," Novotny said. "I can't even tell you how much this means to us all." via Good Morning America

Pubblicato da Floyd's 99 Barbershop su Giovedì 14 maggio 2020

This was an amazing surprise, and it did not end there.  The anonymous customer also donated extra money to all the shop's staff: $ 500 for the receptionist, $ 1000 for the manager and $ 100 for each of the 18 people who worked in the shop. This was a totally unexpected gift, but one that definitely came at just the right time. Novotny and all the staff were in seventh heaven: finally, after days of uncertainty, a stranger had given them a generous and very important ray of hope!

The gesture of this kindly customer reminds us that it can feel good to help others if you have the opportunity to do so.
