A mime forces a man to help his wife carrying their child and a backpack. The video will make you reflect on family life

When you decide to bring a child into the world, you must bear in mind that the responsibilities and duties for child care must be divided equally between the two parents. Sure, a mom will always have more to do, but it's only right that every dad does everything possible to "lighten" her load and help. But what if a man does not realize this himself? No problem, because there will always be someone around willing to remind him. A bit like what happened in the story we are about to tell you about here.
The "hero" in this story was a mime. This mime found a way to put a lazy father "in his place" and teach him a lesson. Read on to find out more:

Valentina Miranda Cardenas/Youtube screenshot
In a video that went viral on the web, a mime can be seen following a young couple with a baby and seems to be trying to send them a message. But what? Or in this case, to who?
In fact, in the images of the video, we see a mother holding her little one and also a backpack. Meanwhile, a few steps behind her, her partner can be seen happily strolling along with free hands. And it was this contrast that provoked the mime to step in.
This incident took place at Seaworld in Orlando, United States, where a mime was entertaining the crowd. While he was doing his job, however, the mime saw something he didn't approve of and decided to act. He approached the woman who was laden down by a backpack and a baby and, using only hand gestures, asked the woman if the man behind her was her husband. Finding out he was, the mime went "on the attack".
The mime took the backpack from the woman's shoulders and handed it to her husband, making him understand how selfish he was being. The woman burst out laughing and her husband was clearly embarrassed about having been shown up.
With little choice, the husband took the backpack and put it over his shoulder. The crowd cheered and clapped for the mime for stepping in and teaching this insensitive husband a lesson.
Dads also have to take responsibility for their kids and need to help out as much as possible. Sharing these child care duties will, in the end, only make a family stronger - do you agree?