Family dog saves baby's life after the infant stopped breathing during the night

by Mark Bennett

December 31, 2021

Family dog saves baby's life after the infant stopped breathing during the night

Having a dog at home can be a blessing in many ways. A dog can be a loyal and valuable companion, and in some cases, this can even go as far as saving lives. Their instincts make them take action when extreme danger looms. And in some cases, they even manage to save the lives of the people around them. This is what happened to the family of mother Kelly Andrew. The Andrews family are the owners of a Boston Terrier named Henry, and the dog literally saved the life of the youngest child in the house - Kelly's little daughter. One night, the parents were disturbed by the dog "acting up" and his constant attempts to enter the child's room - but then they realized what it was really happening.

via Twitter / Kelly Andrew

Henry wasn't "acting up" at all, if we can call his behavior that at all, but he was trying to warn his masters that something was seriously wrong. That night, the dog continued to emit a strange and unusual hiss, not at all like his usual growl. Not only that, but the dog kept going back and forth between the child's room and the parents' room, constantly waking up the infant and the parents. Kelly, the mother, was angered by the dog's behavior, because he kept waking the child. But when she went to check on the baby in the cot, her heart leapt into her mouth. Her baby had stopped breathing and Henry was just trying to get her attention and to warn the parents. The little girl was immediately rushed to the hospital and was effectively assisted by doctors.

In the parents' Twitter post, they report that the child is now "much better" and the credit for this goes not only to the doctors in the emergency room of the "Connecticut Children's Hospital", but also to their dog, Henry. "I don't know what would have happened if Henry hadn't kept her awake," Kelly tweeted.

Twitter / kelly andrew

Twitter / kelly andrew

Henry's outstanding behavior was very fortuitous. The dog, who has some "fear of the dark" even stayed home alone that night and managed his anxiety when everyone else was at the hospital. This little hero dog shows us how even "bad" behavior can, in reality, turn out to be a blessing for the whole family. In short, congratulations to this super dog and his uncanny instincts! As Kelly wrote, it seems at times that we humans don't deserve the company of these wonderful creatures. We need to trust them more often.
