Criticized because at 19 she is mother to 4 children and is happily married: "You've ruined your life"

by Alison Forde

December 10, 2021

Criticized because at 19 she is mother to 4 children and is happily married: "You've ruined your life"

Everyone should be free to make their own choices without having to be constantly judged, but in the age of social media it seems really difficult for some people to bite their tongue and keep their criticism to themselves. A young mother, only 19 years old, has been harshly criticized for flaunting her happiness at being married and having four children: "You ruined your life!" is what some users have written to her after seeing her videos on TikTok. Claire doesn't mind showing off on social media, but she has faced a slew of criticisms regarding her lifestyle.

Would you feel entitled to judge her?

via TikTok / mamaclaire

TikTok/ mamaclaire00

TikTok/ mamaclaire00

This young American is only 19 and declares herself to be happily married, with four children. To be honest, her fourth is still on the way and Claire posted a few videos of herself on her TikTok account where she is showing off her baby bump. Her personal story has provoked a lot of criticism from some users who have accused her of ruining her life. She explained everything, however, responding to criticism and arguing that there is nothing wrong with her lifestyle: "I had my son Luke when I was 18 and his father then moved elsewhere," wrote the young woman. on her TikTok profile, and added: "I met my current husband when Luke was 3 or 4 months old and then we got married shortly after," she added. Her current husband already had two children, who have formed a new family with Luke.

Now, the couple have their first child on the way.

TikTok/ mamaclaire00

TikTok/ mamaclaire00

In short, this is why the young woman has three children and a fourth on the way: together, they form a large family and she herself claims to love her life. Many users, on the other hand, write to her that in ten years she will probably regret it and she will realize that she has wasted her youth like the many women who enjoy getting pregnant at a young age, only to show themselves off on TikTok.

There are also those who apologize on behalf of everyone, telling her to ignore these people, who only sow hatred. Could it be that these people are, in reality, very envious of the happiness of others and cannot accept the fact that a 19-year-old girl has already achieved many of her goals? Let us know what you think about it!
