She turns 107 and reveals his long-life secret: "I drink a can of beer every day"

by Alison Forde

December 07, 2021

She turns 107 and reveals his long-life secret: "I drink a can of beer every day"

The elixir of youth? It's most likely contained in beer. As absurd and unbelievable as this statement may be at the same time, the story of this 107-year-old (and well-behaved) granny will convince you of what we just told you about the well-known alcoholic drink. Her name is Bid Grocke, she lives in Australia and has just turned 107, an extraordinary and very rare age to attain, so it was natural to ask her what was the secret of her long life ...

via Daily Mail UK

A 107-year-old centenarian has revealed her surprising secret to living a long and youthful life - and its a refreshing...

Pubblicato da Health and Recovery Exercise Class to Great Music su Sabato 20 novembre 2021

Her name is Bid Grocke, she has just turned 107 and she revealed to the Australian news how it's possible that she reached that extraordinary age in such good shape; according to the woman, it's all about the cans of Emu Export beer she's been drinking every day for at least sixty years. Bid said that she is absolutely sure that it was the alcoholic drink that helps her to feel good physically and that it happily introduced her to a new phase of life after 100 years: "It's this beer that I have been buying for sixty years that has kept me going, that's what keeps me so healthy!"

Every day for the last sixty years, Bid Grocke has uncorked a can of Emu Export beer and drunk it down with pleasure. She has never broken this rule, and now today she has brilliantly reached 107 years old, and just think that for this special birthday the same shop where she goes every week to "stock up" and gave her a cake and a case of her favorite drink!


Nate Grigg/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Nate Grigg/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Despite this, Bid's daughter is not entirely convinced that the reason for her mother's extraordinary longevity is due to the daily can of beer she has been drinking for sixty years; in the words of her daughter, in fact, "She loves life and loves to laugh always and for the slightest reason. Just think that even today she goes to gymnastics classes organized in the city of Stirling every Wednesday, and she has been doing this for over 40 years!"

In short, we are really talking about a sprightly old woman who, at her ripe old age, could give a very precious lesson to many young people of this generation who seem much more idle and less enterprising. And then, if we really want to live a few extra years in good health, why not enjoy a can of beer a day, maybe it won't hurt that much!

