Her boyfriend pretends he can't do housework anymore and she takes revenge by lowering her cleaning standards

by Alison Forde

December 12, 2021

Her boyfriend pretends he can't do housework anymore and she takes revenge by lowering her cleaning standards

Nobody likes doing housework, and often, constantly putting off these tasks or trying to avoid them at all costs can undermine the foundation of a relationship. In fact, even the most close-knit couples sometimes argue about sharing responsibilities in the area of household maintenance: if two people live happily together, then it's up to both of them to take care of cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and rooms, don't you think?

One woman on Reddit shared her frustration at seeing her boyfriend constantly avoiding housework, hiding behind the "I'm no good at cleaning" excuse. Yet, as the woman pointed out, when he lived alone he did the cleaning. Here's what the woman came up with as a form of revenge.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The woman who turned to Reddit users had amply understood that her boyfriend was just pretending not to know how to clean the house, for the simple reason that ... he didn't want to do it! In response, however, the boyfriend began to blame the woman for having "too high standards of cleanliness". Her boyfriend was so stubborn in his attitude that when she begged him to wash the dishes, for example, he ended up washing them badly. "But I'm not that stupid" commented the young woman, who knew very well that in the past the man had always done his own cleaning and that he certainly could not "have forgotten how to do it". The man spent a lot of time justifying himself and trying to make his fiancée believe that he, in fact, just couldn't do his household chores well; so, one day, the woman put her strategy into action.

One evening the girl put on her favorite black dress which, however, her boyfriend had irreparably ruined with bleach, in an attempt to badly clean the washing machine. The girl wore her dress even though it was ruined, causing him to react: "You don't want to go out wearing that, do you?". "Why not? I love this dress and these spots almost make it better," the young woman replied with unusual calm. Obviously, her dress was completely ruined and, even according to her boyfriend, it was no longer wearable.


Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Another episode of this type concerned the dishwasher: the two were having dinner and at the table there were dishes just taken from the clean dishwasher which, however, were not at all clean. The boyfriend had purposely misplaced a couple of bowls and glasses so that they hadn't been washed well, but the girl ignored it, as if it wasn't a problem for her. She started serving him food from those dirty bowls, while he was disgusted with her pointing out that they were dirty: "But how is it possible that they are dirty if I just took them from the dishwasher?".

The woman then recounted the latest episode that finally made her boyfriend change his attitude: "I had cooked a dish to take to the office for his company party, I told him it had to cool down for 30 minutes and then it could go in the office fridge" explained the woman, adding that she had commitments that evening with some friends, "Remember to put it in the fridge after 30 minutes". Obviously, the boyfriend forgot. The next morning, when he noticed it, the girl replied calmly: "Don't worry, these things happen, it was an oversight. You can eat it anyway, I didn't put much meat in it." The shocked man exclaimed that you cannot serve a dish with meat that has been out of the fridge all night, even if "there is little meat".

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

After these episodes, the man began to engage in household chores, not only doing them, but also avoiding causing damage or doing them badly. Basically, the man stopped being lazy when he noticed that his fiancée had actually lowered her cleaning standards, so much so that dirty dishes and stained clothes were okay, and when he noticed that many of these things would also reflect badly on him. Obviously, this was just a strategy to get her boyfriend back on track and, despite everything, the woman admitted that she felt guilty for having "lied" to him. It goes without saying that the majority of Reddit users have come out in favor of the woman.

What do you think?

