Theytake their paralyzed dog for a last walk by the sea on a mobile bed

by Alison Forde

November 05, 2021

Theytake their paralyzed dog for a last walk by the sea on a mobile bed

A pet is much more than just company: after years spent side by side, they become an inseparable friend, an extra family member with whom we've had the pleasure of walking, eating and even chatting together! No wonder, then, that the moment of separation is always a bit tragic and painful, just like all separations. Whether it's a cat or a dog, it doesn't matter - it's the love that binds us to them that counts. And that is why, when we hear that our pets are approaching the end of their days, we try to give them all the comfort possible and imaginable. We would never want them to find themselves completely alone in their last moments, for this reason Gianna Serena Manfredi, a volunteer from a dog rescue group called "Qua la zampa", wanted to give a beautiful last moment to Heart, a very sweet German Shepherd who is has been paralyzed for some time.

via Facebook / Qua la zampa

Facebook / Gianna Serena Manfredi

Facebook / Gianna Serena Manfredi

We know that German Shepherds suffer a lot from pathologies related to their spine and hips and often risk finding themselves with paralyzed hind legs. This is degenerative myelopathy, which can completely compromise the functionality of the dog's hind limbs. Unfortunately, this is exactly the sad end that gradually overtook Heart, a sweet and kind-looking dog, who had been abandoned by his family after a move. Whoever found him in the street, unable to move, immediately alerted the dog rescue group "Qua la paampa" to help the dog. Thankfully, the volunteer intervention was timely and Heart survived. The disease, however, did not allow him to survive too much longer: in a short time, his front legs were completely paralyzed and, gradually, the rest of his body too. 

Facebook / Gianna Serena Manfredi

Facebook / Gianna Serena Manfredi

Heart is the name they gave him, symbolizing his broken heart after being abandoned. Fortunately, the animal lived in the shelter for a whole year, receiving the cuddles and affection from the volunteers. Gianna Serena Manfredi wanted to give her beloved dog a last moment of peace and serenity in front of the sea. The woman took him for a walk along the seafront, thanks to a mobile bed developed specifically for this type of situation. "I wanted to make him feel loved" commented the woman, who is completely dedicated to the well-being of her four-legged friends.

Facebook / Gianna Serena Manfredi

Facebook / Gianna Serena Manfredi

Thus, the Heart's last moments were spent enjoying the sea air, in a place he loved to be. A touching moment, but also a happy one as Gianna was able to give the dog a final happy outing: “It was a really calm and happy moment for Heart. For a few hours he was able to forget the pain he suffered because of those who didn't love him, or because of the fact that he could no longer run like other dogs and that he was imprisoned in his own body. I gave him fresh water so that he could enjoy the smell of freedom", concluded Gianna, visibly moved. 
