"I don't want people with shaved heads in my photos!": the Bride decides not to invite the cancer-surviving bridesmaid anymore

We know that a wedding day is one of the most important events in the life of the future bridegroom and future bride; everything must be perfect, from the clothes to the organization of the ceremony (which can be religious or secular), up to the reception complete with menus and delicious food. Obviously, it can happen that this long-awaited day can generate tensions and nervous breakdowns, thus leading the spouses themselves or some of the guests to say and do things that they then inexorably regret having implemented ...

This is the testimony of a guest who told about her terrible experience with a future bride on Reddit. The woman, who wanted to remain anonymous and who left her outpouring on the web, told the facts with these words: "I am a great friend of the future bride, she got engaged about a year and a half ago and immediately asked me to be her bridesmaid. In short, I received a terrible diagnosis last year and had to undergo a course of radiation and chemotherapy. I won't go into detail on any of this here, because it's still very traumatic for me. My hair has completely fallen out, I am recovering, but my hair is still very short at the moment. Karen (the bride-to-be) has been very supportive throughout this long and very difficult period for me. She is a nurse and it was nice to have someone with medical experience to talk to. About 2 weeks ago Karen called me and told me she would take me out to celebrate my remission and the end of my treatment and that she had a special surprise for me. At the end we went to a spa and enjoyed some skin treatments, pampering and some relaxing massages. At the end of the day she took me to a hairdresser who specializes in high quality wigs. I was definitely baffled by this choice because Karen knows that much of the psychological work I've done is about avoiding the shame associated with hair loss and the fear of going bald."

But that's not all: "Out of politeness, I tried on some wigs, even though I was very angry. But when I refused to wear one for her wedding she called me and told me that I can no longer attend the wedding reception. This amazed me because basically I'm her best friend. I called around and ask the other bridesmaids if they knew anything about this decision: they told me Karen was probably worried about what the wedding photos would look like since I didn't want to wear a wig to the wedding, but I don't want to think about it too much now. Her wedding is in 2 weeks."
The invitee obviously asked Reddit users for advice, generally receiving moral support and taking sides against the surly and rude attitude displayed by the future bride. Which side would you have lined up on?