He hadn't been paid for 3 months: a worker takes revenge by removing all the paving he had installed

by Alison Forde

September 06, 2021

He hadn't been paid for 3 months: a worker takes revenge by removing all the paving he had installed

Not everyone is in favor of revenge. There are those who say that time fixes everything and there are those who, on the other hand, prefer to repay the people they have been wronged by in the same currency. Undoubtedly, among the most famous phrases about revenge there is one that we have heard a lot of times and that some people tend to follow really literally: revenge is a dish that should be served cold. An example of how some follow this iconic saying is the case of a worker from Mezhdurechensk, a city in Russia, who took revenge for an injustice suffered after a period of 3 months.




The protagonist of this story is one of the many workers who work for a Russian construction company. Among the works required, there was that of installing bricks to build an external pavement. The workers immediately went to work and, waiting to receive the honestly earned payment, the workers were kept happy with free breakfasts offered during working hours.

Unfortunately, the months continued to pass and there was not even a shadow of the salary been paid. As a result of this lack of payment, one of the foremen got tired and, instead of protesting by stopping working, he decided to take revenge in a very unusual way, but which would certainly have captured the attention of the upper echelons of the company: he made a commitment and, with a lot of patience, he removed the paving that he and his colleagues had been installing for 3 months.



After all, this was to be expected, imagine working for many months, waking up early every day, and taking time away from your family and your closest loved ones. Imagine sweating in the sun or getting cold during the winter, imagine the joy of having a job that allows you to bring money home and then, in the end, not being rewarded.

Obviously, the man didn't just undo the work done, but he also documented it by having himself recorded in a video to be shared on social networks. His idea was, in fact, to win: the video didn't go unnoticed and reached the investigative committee of the Russian Federation, which immediately took an interest in solving the case. “The period during which the employees did not receive their salary will be established, the exact number of employees to whom the debt is owed, and the financial records will be examined. It will be established whether there were funds in the organization's accounts and for what purposes they were spent”. Based on the results of the audit, the investigative committee will then make a decision on what to do.

Obviously, there was no shortage of solidarity comments on the web, from readers who understood all the reasons for the worker's actions and praised his gesture. And what do you think of it? Let us know in the comments!
