They have different skin colors but they are biological twins: the case of these 2 siblings is very rare

We wouldn't want to be in the role of the mother in this unique and extraordinary family, so special that many people who see her walking with her two children can only stop and ask her the exact same question: which of the two is her biological child and which one has been adopted? Yes, because Jade Ball, this 32 year old mother from the UK gave birth to two beautiful twins: the wonder is that these two siblings were born with different skin colors!
via The Independent
But fear not, in this story there are no love stories with different fathers, so much so that Jade Ball is forced to give the same, identical answer every time to the people who ask her the usual question: her two children are biological twins and they have a different skin color for a very simple reason, albeit a rare one: the first, Klay, has blond hair and blue eyes, while Cole has brown eyes and brown skin color. How is all this possible?
The answer is quite simple: it can happen once in a million that a mixed race couple (Jade is white, while her husband Kade is of Jamaican descent) can give birth to biological twins with different skin colors!
Jade Bell talks about her extraordinary and very rare family experience with these words: "When we meet new people they never believe me when I tell them that Klay and Cole are twins. They think I'm joking with them, but then when they make I realize that I am serious and I'm telling the truth, people are completely fascinated by the boys and they ask me so many questions about them. People always stop us even when we go for a walk and want to talk to me about the twins. The father of the two, Kade, is half Jamaican and I'm obviously white.
When we found out we were going to have twins, we didn't think much about what they would be like. I guess we thought they were both going to be a mixture of me and their father. I never expected the exact opposite of each other to arise; this difference was really obvious when they were born, but as they are growing they look even more different!".

But despite everything, two twins so beautiful and so rare can only be an extraordinary blessing for this happy family; and no matter if many unfamiliar people look at them with curiosity or ill-concealed suspicion, Klay and Cole are a real gift from Mother Nature!
Congratulations to the Bell family!