This 25-year-old young model is so beautiful that she has been nicknamed the "Black Barbie"

Duckie Thot is one of the most famous and influential models of recent years, sought after by many famous designers and by important brands who would like her to participate in hundreds of advertisements. The young model, born in 1995, has even been named "the black Barbie" of the fashion world, a nickname born behind the scenes of the fashion industry. Yet, for her, things have not always gone in the right direction and the reason is mainly to be found in the ignorance of the people and in the prejudices that have arisen from a lack of sensitivity and attention. However, she did not give up and, even after taking a break from the world of fashion, she returned to the international catwalk and today she can say that she is one of the most famous models in the world.

Her Instagram account is followed by over a million people who, of course, would like to have a body and beauty equal to hers. Duckie Thot is 25 years old and resident in Australia; her parents, in fact, moved from South Sudan to this new continent to escape the civil war. It was fortunate that she was able to move to Australia with her large African family (the young woman, in fact, has 6 brothers and sisters) and it was here that she began her modeling career. The role of her sister, the famous youtuber Nikki Perkins, must surely have influenced her towards this career choice.

Before becoming the famous "black Barbie", Duckie had to deal with a world of fashion not always open to diversity. Often and willingly, in fact, black models tell of being the only ones left behind the scenes, while a whole group of white girls get more work. Fortunately, in this area too, things are gradually changing and, today, we are increasingly trying to put prejudices to the side.

Duckie Thot rose to fame after taking third place in the eighth season of "Australia's Next Top Model "; then, the young Duckie was only 17 years old. After focusing on her goal Duckie debuted on the catwalk in 2017, now being followed by thousands, even millions, of people around the world. Advertising brands continue to contend for her to star in their campaigns and her fans simply love her.

Of course, today Duckie is a strong and self-confident young woman, who could never, ever be thrown down by criticism from some stranger, but to get to where she is today she had to work a lot on herself too.
A true example to follow, as well as to admire for her extraordinary beauty!