"My husband doesn't want to come to the birth of our child because he says he has to work"

It would be correct to say that the moment of childbirth is not only one of the most important and moving in the life of a mother, but also of the father of the child who is about to be born; it is such a complex moment that it can transform the perception of the life of the new parents in a few moments when they are witness to this beatuful life process. There are those who, rightly, would not miss this exciting event for anything in the world, but there are also those who cannot be there due to ... work commitments!
via AITA/Reddit

Imagine the disappointment in the eyes of a future mother when she hears from her husband's mouth that he won't be able to be there at the scheduled time of the birth of their first child because he will be on a business trip and that he will absolutely not be able to postpone this for fear of being fired. Relating this absurd and sad tale is an anonymous woman who on Reddit explained to uother readers that she was dumbfounded by her husband's statement: I have a Caesarean delivery scheduled for next Sunday and my husband said he can't be there with me because he has business trip and which he has to go on on Saturday evening. He said he couldn't skip the trip even if he tried and stated that since he has missed several business trips in the past six months, he's worried that he might lose his job if he refuses to go. "
The woman tried to persuade her husband to tell his boss that he could postpone this business trip, but apparently he didn't agree with her; the same man seems to have suggested to his expecting wife to take his mother-in-law or his mother with him that fateful day, but it would not have been the same thing: "The problem is that this is my first time and like any other woman I wanted my husband was there with me for support. His excuse was that I would have a whole medical team and it's not like this is going to be a natural birth because I'm going to be under anesthesia! "

Following this, the author of the story said that a big fight broke out at home which led to an unexpected result: the husband took umbrage and called his wife "selfish" for insinuating that he was a bad future father, while the expectant mother, horrified and incredulous about the situation, not knowing what to do, asked for help from Reddit users, who have generally sided with the woman in this difficult situation.
You, on the other hand, where would you take sides in this delicate family situation?