A 26 year old woman is criticized for having an affair with an older man: "Is that your father or your grandfather?"

When it comes to love, there are no obstacles that can stop or jeopardize a relationship - do you agree? There are many cases in which the age difference between partners seems to be an insurmountable difficulty or obstacle for many people, but the truth is that everyone should be able to choose freely who to spend their life with. Sinead Warnes, a 26-year-old woman from Cambridge, is engaged to 42-year-old man Daniel Long, with whom she is madly in love. The two form a beautiful couple, but Sinead often receives hateful comments caused by the widespread misconception that 16 years of difference is too great to make a relationship work. Among her ill-thinkers, there are those who accuse her of being a gold digger looking for "rich men" and those who make fun of her with questions offered in bad taste: "But is he your father or your grandfather?" For all these ignorant people, Sinead and Daniel have an answer to give.

Facebook / Sineadjasmin Warnes
Sinead Warnes and her partner Daniel don't understand why so many people spend so much time of their time commenting on someone else's life, or theirs, with such hateful words. The two are 16 years apart, but they love each other and are carrying on their relationship in a very healthy way. On TikTok, the young woman has posted several videos in the hope of "normalizing" relationships where the age difference is quite large. Unfortunately, under every video there has always been a comment from some "keyboard lion" who accuses her of being one of those women who only pretend to be with older men for love and are only after their money. Someone else asked her, rudely: "But is this your father or your grandfather?". Luckily, the two don't take these comments seriously, in fact, they enjoy constantly denying them.

Some people told the young woman: "You must be with him because he has a lot of money", but Sinead actually has two jobs, so that's not the case at all. Initially, even Sinead herself admits that she was a bit wary of her relationship: 16 years of difference is not a small gap, but then the relationship grew naturally and now the two say they get along very well and get on great together. "He's different," Sinead said, "I think it was love at first sight with him. At first he was much more concerned than I am, because he knows I'm younger, but now he doesn't care. Neither of the two of us care."

Sinead also said that having a relationship with an older man is much more relaxing than partnering with a peer: "Daniel is a very down-to-earth man and goes to work every day, which many guys don't seem to do". Sinead, since she posted the videos, has also received messages from other insecure users, who write that they have met a man older than them and don't know how to behave.
After all, everyone is free to love whoever they want, why should a few years of difference be a problem? Let us know your opinion in the comments!