When reality doesn't live up to expectations: 19 people who were disappointed with their purchases

by Alison Forde

June 13, 2021

When reality doesn't live up to expectations: 19 people who were disappointed with their purchases

Shopping is a very relaxing activity, which can distract us from our worries or simply "reward us" for hard work done. Every now and then, we have the right to treat ourselves, right? There are cases, in fact, in which shopping is good for your health. Shopping is certainly satisfying, but there are also those who enjoy shopping online. Also in this case you can sooth yourself with purchasing, as long as it doesn't go too far. The problem with online shopping is that we can't get a live preview of the product and, as a result, we have to trust the seller and preview photos of the item. Unfortunately, if you are not sufficiently aware and if you don't know the best shopping sites, you risk taking a hit. In this list, we have collected together some examples of online orders that ended badly: these shopperss, in fact, had ordered a product that, upon arrival, turned out to be a real disappointment. Has this ever happened to you?

1. Don't Trust Instagram Ads!

1. Don't Trust Instagram Ads!

Reddit / theplushbunni

 Buying this "baby Yoda" turned out to be a big rip off ...


It's not a small difference, don't you agree?

It's not a small difference, don't you agree?

Reddit / apro1990

3. You're not even safe buying a rag doll

3. You're not even safe buying a rag doll

Reddit / Blunder_Punch

 Forty dollars for such a doll: imagine the disappointment!

4. Maybe it would look good on the cat...

4. Maybe it would look good on the cat...

Reddit / beroemd

5. No comment!

5. No comment!


 What can we say...a total rip off!


6. It's not bad but there's something that doesn't quite convince us...

6. It's not bad but there's something that doesn't quite convince us...

Reddit / Reticent_Extrovert

7. "The salad I ordered from the Indian restaurant nearby vs what they actually brought me"

7. "The salad I ordered from the Indian restaurant nearby vs what they actually brought me"

Reddit / Mrorange002

How can anyone think of delivering such an order and calling it a "salad"? Let's hope they've at least washed the vegetables.


8. The "happy" donut...

8. The "happy" donut...

Reddit / Earthworm_Djinn

Their product was so hyped that the buyer who bought them was particularly disappointed that the "happy" donut looked more like a desperate donut. 

9. Here's what can happen when you try to buy an alpaca toy online ...

9. Here's what can happen when you try to buy an alpaca toy online ...

Reddit / wmszeligadzfsdgdg

 The photo was so tempting, and instead ...


10. Dobby, is that you?

10. Dobby, is that you?

Reddit / reyreystrudel

11. He ordered on the basis of the photo on the left ...

11. He ordered on the basis of the photo on the left ...

Reddit / TheRookieGetsACookie

 We still haven't figured out if he's the one who needs more training or if the purchase was a total failure!


12. "They looked smaller when I ordered them ..."

12. "They looked smaller when I ordered them ..."

Reddit / idunnolol1990

 But are they headphones or a telephone?

13. You never know what's going to arrive ...

13. You never know what's going to arrive ...

Reddit / schels

 It is so imperfect that it's "perfect": whoever bought it has no intention of sending it back!


14. "It seemed like a good idea when I ordered it"

14. "It seemed like a good idea when I ordered it"

Reddit / Jinium

15. There is a little size difference

15. There is a little size difference

Reddit / Frankensteinbatch

But if it weren't for that, the photo would do the product perfect justice! 


16. Ready for the discoteque!

16. Ready for the discoteque!

Reddit / GayTX

 However, it was a risky purchase.

17. These pants did not meet customer expectations ...

17. These pants did not meet customer expectations ...

Reddit / Lord_H1D30U5

18. This nightgown has a medieval flavor ...

18. This nightgown has a medieval flavor ...


The girl looks ready to go make a magic potion or to hex someone! 

19. No comment

19. No comment

Reddit / tazuki

Have you ever ordered something online and been disappointed? Let us know in the comments! 
