She wakes up every day at 5 in the morning to prepare lunch for her partner: a "perfect" girlfriend

by Alison Forde

June 03, 2021

She wakes up every day at 5 in the morning to prepare lunch for her partner: a "perfect" girlfriend

You don't have to be a star chef to cook something for your partner and show how much love there is behind such a gesture. Cooking for others is already in itself a kind act with which to share an essential moment of the day, such as a lunch or dinner, the preparation of which is a burden especially for those who work all day and don't have the energy left not to assemble a sandwich. The young New Zealander Legacy Shay Ruhe has become famous on TikTok not so much for her exquisite recipes, but for the reason behind her videos: the girl wakes up every day at dawn to prepare lunch for her partner, who works all day. A truly beautiful gesture of love, which has inspired many other users.

via Tik Tok / Legacy Shay Ruhe

Facebook / Legacy Shay Ruhe

Facebook / Legacy Shay Ruhe

Legacy Shay Ruhe often wakes up at five in the morning, with the sole purpose of preparing substantial snacks for her partner, who works all day in the construction field. A couple of sandwiches for the morning, a high calorie lunch and finally a snack for the afternoon. - to be able to prepare everything, the young woman wakes up at dawn. She admits that she is often very sleepy and bored, but the fact remains that she does it for the love of her man, to support him in her own way during the most tiring working days.

TikTok / Legacy Shay Ruhe

TikTok / Legacy Shay Ruhe

Among hier most successful creations are sandwiches for all tastes, sushi rolls with avocado and other delicacies, and spicy chicken ravioli. All the recipes can be viewed briefly on her TikTok channel and have inspired many other users to act in the same way, both as regards the preparation of food, and for the dedication to their sweethearts. Some have commented that although they now prepare lunch the afternoon of the day before, and not at dawn - it is still a much appreciated gesture!

TikTok / Legacy Shay Ruhe

TikTok / Legacy Shay Ruhe

We can definitively say that, with a little commitment and dedication, everyone (or almost everyone) can become an excellent chef, but how many can say they are "perfect partners"? This is precisely the label that many viewers have given to Legacy after learning that the young woman gets up at five in the morning to cook for her boyfriend.

What do you think: would you be willing to do something similar for your sweetheart?
