She found an abandoned kitten just 1 day old, adopted it and then it grew into a beautiful white cat

by Alison Forde

March 10, 2021

She found an abandoned kitten just 1 day old, adopted it and then it grew into a beautiful white cat

Imagine going home and finding a poor and defenseless kitten on the side of the road that meows continuously, looking for help and food. What would you do? Would you take it with you? Would you take it into your home? Or would you call a shelter who could take care of the kitten safely, or even worse, would you continue on your way pretending nothing had happened? There are many reactions that a human being could have in these cases, but this girl's was the sweetest ...

via I Love My Dog So Much



The girl tells on Imgur that she found this very white kitten on the side of the road, near her home; she couldn't ignore it, so she took him home with her, promising herself that she would only take care of him long enough to let him grow for a few months and then give him to a shelter that would give him appropriate care and help him to find a new human family ...





Instead, the young woman said she immediately fell in love with that kitten, who she named Ollie; the very first few days, the kitten with thick white fur loved to sleep and rest on his rescuer's chest, a comfortable and warm place near the girl's heart. About 12 days after making his entry into the house, little Ollie opened his eyes: what a thrill!



Despite a few snags along the way, such as a trip to the vet because the kitten seemed particularly dehydrated, Ollie's development seems to have gone smoothly. So how could this kind young woman take Ollie to a shelter and say goodbye? The answer to this question is simpl: she couldn't! In the end she decided to keep him with her, as a new member of the family!



The girl who adopted this gorgeous kitten said: "When Ollie found out he couldn't fit into my shirt anymore, he sat on my shoulders. So now if you come over to my house, sit on the armchair or even on the sofa, you could find yourself with a curious kitten who wants to sit on your shoulders! "





And in the meantime, as months passed, Ollie has also become the best friend to a new kitten: the family has been growing more and more: "The original plan was to take care of Ollie only until he was old enough to be adopted and then send him to a local shelter. Well I had him for a few months and Ollie won a special place in my heart and is now a permanent member of the family. Raising a kitten from day one is a very difficult but rewarding task. He is one of the sweetest kittens I've ever met!"



 Long live Ollie, a cat rescued from the street who now deserves all the love in this world and beyond!
