A charity builds innovative temporary shelters to give homeless people a safe place to sleep

by Alison Forde

February 02, 2021

A charity builds innovative temporary shelters to give homeless people a safe place to sleep

Having a roof to sleep under, eat and live with your family is a privilege that we too often take for granted; there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people who would give everything to have a corner of their own, sheltered from the cold of the most freezing nights when they are forced to sleep on the street, with inadequate shelter. For this reason, the non-profit association Community Supported Shelters in Oregon strives every day to find housing solutions for those who need it most.

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This association was founded by Erik de Buhr, and has always tried to create low-cost housing solutions for the homeless in Oregon. Erik and his collaborators created the so-called Conestoga Hut, little houses in the shape of a hut; the name derives from the Conestoga wagons, which in the old days carried overseas settlers through the American states to the West.

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These original housing solutions have a decidedly reduced cost compared to the average and can be assembled in a very short time; each Conestoga hut costs from 2,500 dollars to 20,000 dollars in its construction, depending on the size of the "hut"; each house is equipped with a lockable window and door where the occupants can sleep in complete security.

Erik said: "These huts are warm and above all they are lockable, which is very important because many people on the street lose their most important things."

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Having a warm place to sleep safely at night and no longer having the fear of some of your belongings being stolen on the street makes a real difference for these homeless people. For this reason, the state of Oregon has now approved the opening of five parking lots in the towns of Eugene and Walla Walla where those most in need and homeless can sleep at night in Conestoga huts.

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An extraordinary idea that is bringing many benefits to the homeless in the Eugene and Walla Walla communities and which is guaranteeing a more comfortable and above all more dignified life for these very unfortunate people.

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A truly commendable initiative, don't you agree?
