At 2 years old he knows how to wash dishes, cook and prepare tea: this mother uses the Montessori method with her son

by Alison Forde

February 01, 2021

At 2 years old he knows how to wash dishes, cook and prepare tea: this mother uses the Montessori method with her son

Many parents think that the best way to raise their children is to let them be free to explore the world around them, to walk barefoot, to live out their childhood without problems, worries and responsibilities. However, there are some educational theories, such as those developed by Maria Montessori last century, which believe it is very important to try to assign small, undemanding household chores to our children, to make them grow in a healthier and more balanced way.

via Mirror UK



A woman named Florence Taylor wanted to apply the Montessori method to raising her two-year-old son Jax; the child was raised by his mother following the educational method devised by the great 20th century Italian educator, and he knows how to be responsible in the home by doing small chores under his own steam. Florence explained to the Mirror that, at just two years old, her little son already knows how to do many things: "My son can do, and does, a complete cycle of laundry. He knows how to choose the right setting, where to put the detergent and the fabric softener, and how to switch to the dryer when he's done. I walked into the kitchen and saw him putting the laundry into the dryer, and all I had to do was say 'thank you.' He always had an interest in cooking and so I let him do it. We have kid-safe knives and pans and he's made lasagna, spaghetti Bolognese and omelettes pretty much by himself.

My son knows how to make a cup of tea, from start to finish. He does the whole process aside from pouring the kettle, since it's too big and heavy for him. But he realizes it's hot and he shouldn't touch it and that mom does that part. He then takes the tea bags out, mixes the tea and off he goes".



Florence chose to follow the Montessori method because she wanted her son Jax to become a happy yet responsible child over time, yet parents online reacted in a mixed way to Florence's regime. These dads and moms said they would never force their children to do housework, but the English mom from West Sussex was keen to point out that she never, ever forced Jax to do his chores every day: "I don't force my son to do chores, I never would. They are all things he's interested in. I just let him join in with me and learn. He does them for his own enjoyment and satisfaction!"

Although the Montessori method is safe and effective, this mother's choice certainly created a rift in public opinion: is it right to accustom our small children, without forcing them, to do housework and to empower them from an early age?
