A young man dives into icy waters to rescue a dog entangled in a rope

by Alison Forde

December 14, 2020

A young man dives into icy waters to rescue a dog entangled in a rope

What wouldn't we do to save a person in difficulty, and the same thing could be said for our four-legged friends. A 24-year-old man actually went viral for having saved a poor dog which was been dangerously entangled in an old rope by its hind legs; to stay afloat and not drown under the surface of the water, he was holding on with all his strength by his teeth to the old rope which at the same time was causing him to sink.

via Belfast Live

Belfast Live

Belfast Live

The owner of this cute Labrador named Gus had no idea what was going on, until he realized that his dog, who was apparently just having fun in the water, was entangled in an old rope by his rear paws, and was having a hard time staying afloat.

The boy Paddy Bond, witnessed the scene and immediately jumped into the water as soon as he understood the desperate situation. All of this happened in Bangor, Northern Ireland.

Belfast Live

Belfast Live

The 24-year-old local rugby player immediately dived into the freezing water, grabbed the dog and snatched it from the old mooring rope it was entangled in; eyewitnesses told Belfast Live: "The dog got entangled in the rope while swimming. The owner said his pet loved to swim, and we all thought the dog was just stubborn and didn't want to let go of the rope, but then Paddy saw his hind legs, and he seemed to be stuck."

Belfast Live

Belfast Live

Although Gus the Labrador was initially paralyzed by the cold, after a few minutes and finally on land, he seems to have fully recovered. The heroic 24 year old boy, after the miraculous rescue, said: "If he had been my dog, I would have done the same (...) the rope was tied to its hind legs and he was trying to stay afloat by biting the other end , so he got more and more trapped every time I pulled him away. It wasn't the best time of year to take a swim, but I'm glad I helped the poor dog! "

Belfast Live

Belfast Live

But fear not, now Gus has returned home with his master and is enjoying the warmth of his loving home, finally safe and sound after this terrible adventure!
