A stray kitten is rescued by a kind woman and immediately falls asleep on her shoulder

by Alison Forde

November 01, 2020

A stray kitten is rescued by a kind woman and immediately falls asleep on her shoulder

Although the problem of stray animals has been endemic for far too long in all corners of the world, there are still those who adore these four-legged angels so much that they do their utmost to save them from the streets, taking them to a safe haven, treating them and making sure that they are adopted. This is something that Holly Knox Brookhouser, who rescued a small black kitten in need of a home and love, knows very well.

via The Dodo

Paws of Oz/Facebook

Paws of Oz/Facebook

While ishe was out shopping for her son Marcelo's fourth birthday celebrations, Holly was scrolling through her Facebook feed when she saw a local ad desperately asking for a home for a black kitten in need of a roof, food and care. Holly didn't think twice, she contacted the Paws of Oz voluntary association and asked for the address of the place where she could come and pick up the helpless kitten ...

Paws of Oz/Facebook

Paws of Oz/Facebook

Holly thought that rescuing that cat was not only a nice way to give that scared kitty a chance for a better life, but also to surprise her son Marcelo on his fourth birthday. Then, as soon as mom and son arrived at their destination and took custody of the black kitten, it curled up on Holly's shoulder and fell asleep. Little Marcelo had already decided what name to give to the cat: Appleseed!

It took some time before Appleseed got his bearings and got used to the rhythms of his new temporary home (Holly and Marcelo had taken the cat as foster carers waiting for a family to adopt him once he had grown a bit), but after a short time Appleseed has become a constant presence. He always wants kisses and caresses, and never leaves his human masters alone!

Paws of Oz/Facebook

Paws of Oz/Facebook

Holly and Marcelo know that unfortunately Appleseed's stay at their home won't last forever, one day the phone will ring and the shelter will let them know that a loving family has decided to definitively adopt this cute little cat; but until that day, Appleseed is in good hands, growing healthy and playful.

He certainly couldn't find better foster parents than Holly and Marcelo!
