A duckling returns every night to the home of the guy who saved his life: they are practically inseparable

by Alison Forde

October 08, 2020

A duckling returns every night to the home of the guy who saved his life: they are practically inseparable

You can expect anything in life, except becoming the best friend t a duckling. At least, that's what Steven Thibault, a guy who manages some apartments in Nahant, Massachussetts, thought at first and who, one working day like many others, found a lonely and frightened duckling struggling to get out of the pool at the building complex. Steven knew that the duck wasn't going to make it alone so he decided to bring her into his home to take care of the animal.

via The Dodo

What Steven could not have known is that the duckling, who he called Cheerio, would become very fond of him and would never leave the man who had perhaps had saved his life. Although Steven lets the duck roam free during the day to let it to connect with its natural habitat, it iinevitably returns home to Steven every night.


Nobody would have bet on it, but now Steven and Cheerio have become unlikely best friends. Steven told The Dodo: "He has a social life, spends time with other ducks, which makes me happy, but at the end of the day he always chooses me. He might change someday, but it's up to him."

And apparently, despite being very attached to his human master, Cheerio seems to be a very "worldly" duckling: "He gets along very well with other ducks, especially males. He's a bit shy when it comes to the ladies at this point in his life, but I hope that changes. He also hangs out with other species, such as the wild ducks and geese that spend the winter here in Nahant. He even has seagull companions!"

When Steven almost by accident rescued that duckling from the swimming pool of the apartment complex where he works, he certainly couldn't have imagined that Cheerio would change his life and become a fixed point of reference.

Every evening, the duck comes home to him, confident that he has found a loving family which he will always be able to count on!
