A 9-year-old girl is left out by her peers: "she is too fat, too ugly and too poor"

by Alison Forde

September 09, 2020

A 9-year-old girl is left out by her peers: "she is too fat, too ugly and too poor"

Unfortunately, some children learn from an early age what it means to deal with human cruelty. We are obviously talking about all the young victims of bullying and exclusion, who never deserve this treatment from others: this behavior has the potential to leave a mark for a long time.

Although today there is more awareness of the issue than in the past, bullying is still a very present phenomenon. We realize this when we read stories like the one we are about to tell you, in which a girl of just 9 years suffered rejection "motivated" by her physical appearance. His mother wanted to make the story known, sparking a heated debate on the internet.

via Love what matters

Nicole O'Shea - Love What Matters

Nicole O'Shea - Love What Matters

"Too stupid, too fat, too ugly, too poor, too loud, wild and messy." If you think that a group of children cannot utter such wicked words, perhaps because we believe them to be "innocent" and "harmless", you are very wrong. Nicole's daughter, 9 years of age, was not invited to a social event precisely because of those horrible reasons, obviously the result of maiicious and gratuitous teasing.

So the little girl not only had to face rejection, but she was also deeply hurt by the depreciative remarks made about her. While a parent can do their best to comfort and cheer up a bullied child, teasing and insulting will always leave a mark on the victims. For this reason, Nicole decided to make known to the world what had happened, via the blog Love What Matters, describing explicitly the damage that children can do to their peers.



"At nine years old she is already learning what it feels like to have the negativity of the world break your heart," she wrote. "We, as parents, must erase hatred and cultivate trust and resilience in the hearts of our children." With these and other significant words, Nicole wrote an important and truthful post in the fight against bullying. Making one's voice heard and expressing one's opinion are also fundamental in these contexts.

Nicole O'Shea - Love What Matters

Nicole O'Shea - Love What Matters

No child, we are sure, should ever be the victim of a similar situation, and all of us, in our own small way, can do something to improve the situation and fight those who believe they can degrade others for mere cowardly personal satisfaction.
