7-year-old boy has an incurable disease: his loved ones arrange to have a party where everyone will be dressed up as superheroes

by Mark Bennett

June 19, 2023

7-year-old boy has an incurable disease: his loved ones arrange to have a party where everyone will be dressed up as superheroes

Life is precious and we are all lucky to be here. And, of course, we all try to live the best life possible that is within our means. But life can be unpredictable and tragic things can happen that are beyond our control.

This is exactly what happened to the family who is at the center of this story: they recently found out that their 7-year-old son had a serious illness. Read on to find out more about this sad story:

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Bimbi mascherati e non, piccoli e grandi. Tutti quelli che vogliono fare un regalo a Manuele (nome di fantasia) sono...

Pubblicato da Noi Poliziotti per sempre su Mercoledì 31 maggio 2023

Manuele is a 7-year-old Italian boy who, one day, was rushed to an emergency room because he was struggling to breath. Having respiratory distress and a high fever, Manuele's parents suspected he had Covid. But after having done the necessary tests, the family found out the situation was much more serious: Manuele was found to have lung cancer.

A friend of the family, Maria, recounted the sad story and also stated that Manuele's chances of survival are very slim. Recognizing this, everyone involved decided to do something special for the sick boy.

 Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù/Flikr - Not the actual photo

Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù/Flikr - Not the actual photo

With the consent of the management of the hospital where he is being treated, a huge, surprise party has been organized for little Manuele. Knowing of the child's passion for superheroes and Super Mario, his family and friends contacted a company, Vertical, to put on a show where his favorite comic-book characters will turn up to entertain him at the party. Additionally, all the children of the city of Turin were invited to the Regina Margherita hospital to participate in the event.

"We don't know if Manuele will live to see his next birthday, and this is the gift we want to give him now. The more children that turn up, the better the party will be. And it would be even better if they arrived in costume, but they are all welcome and can dress up however they want. This is a very sad thing and unfortunately, we can't do anything about it. But at least Manuele meeting his favorite superheroes will give him a moment of happiness," Maria said.
