12 puppies small enough to fit in a teacup: they are unbelievably sweet

If it is true that everyone loves puppies, then no one in the world could ever hate these tiny dogs. Yes, they are puppies, but of dog breeds that will remain extremely small. Their degree of sweetness and cuteness is totally on another level! They are so small that they can be carried around in a jacket pocket or could very well fit into a teacup. Their cute, shaggy little faces can't wait to see us every time we come home after a long day at work - they're so small that we would never be able to leave them alone!
With this photo list, you can cheer yourself up if your day has taken a turn for the worse. It is impossible to resisting their sweetness!
1. Look how small it is!

2. It looks like a cuddly toy but it is a real dog ...

3. What a sweet little face

4. It's so tiny that it fits in a tortilla!

5. Is it a dog or a mouse? It doesn't matter, it's still adorable!

6. "This little guy is the same size as my car key!"

7. How lovely!

8. A cute little tail wagging ball of fluff!

9. "I can measure it with one hand .."

10. "For comparison, so you can see how small my dog is"

11. "Let's play"

12. It's the size of a tea cup
