An English Seamstress made her yard's fence out of lace and fishnet

If you are a fan of crocheting, you'll most likely love this story. It's about a woman who lives in the peaceful fishermen town of Burra, Scotland, who had the unique idea of making a fence surrounded her entire property out of fishnet. She got the idea after learning that women in the past used to make fences out of crocheted fishnet and large wooden needles. She put a lot of hard work into building the fence, but the end result speaks for itself!
via Knit Hacker

The woman we are talking about is a professional seamstress named Anne Eunson. Given the large area she had to cover (her yard is pretty long in parameter), it took her three weeks to finish the project. She used a 23 point pattern that is often used when working with lace; the technique is very old and thus is very difficult to achieve, especially when using a material like fishnet.

Anne went with a fishnet that was black and water/weather resistant. Each section of fishnet is supported by very large wooden needles. The rest was all Anne's design, a real reflection of her crocheting skills and creativity. Unlike her neighbors around her (who have plain, concrete walls around their houses), she has the most unique fence on the block (and possibly in the world)!

Anne's creation was not the first of its kind: it's been at least 10 years since anglosaxon society and culture has been making an attempt to bring back cultural traditions, like crocheting, that have been abandoned by younger generations. Thanks to a number of associations, people are learning how to crochet more than ever.

Most crocheters are not as avdanced as Anne, though. The more people who have seen's Anne's handiwork, the more word has gotten around about her fence. Several British cultural associations have already contacted Anne and have asked her to talk about what it was like "replicating" a fence made out of crocheted finshet and wooden needles.
We're sure it was an amazing experience, given how beautiful the results are:

Judging by how much popularity her fence has gained, we imagine that Anne has started a new trend. Soon enough, we'll see these fences pop up everywhere! Amazing work, Anne!