She had spent her whole life in chains and no one had ever given her a name: she is now safe and lives happily with a new family

A dog absolutely does not deserve to live most of it's life in chains but, unfortunately, negligent and cruel owners always seem to be around. There are stories of animal abuse in every part of the world and it hurts the heart to read how cruelly man can treat an innocent creature, whose only fault is perhaps that of having believed that he had come into the hands of a loving family . Maria is a dog who has spent most of her life in chains and who, to be honest, never even had a name. Fortunately, her path crossed with that of Viktor Larkhill and his "Let's Adopt!" Foundation, engaged in the everyday work of rescuing dogs and finding them a home.

Her place in the world seemed to be on the end of a chain, a stone's throw from the front door of her family's house - a door she was never allowed to go through! The poor dog had been chained all her life, waiting to receive only a little love. Her masters neglect had allowed her to develop a tumor on her back over time; It was evident that the dog needed urgent medical attention, but none of her family ever moved a finger to take her to the vet.

The fact that they had not even given her a name speaks volumes about what kind of people "looked after" the poor dog. In fact, looking after is certainly not the right term to define the ignoble way in which it was treated: her water bowl was empty most of the time and nobody knew for sure when her last meal was.

Fortunately Maria, as she was later renamed by kinder people, was saved by Viktor, who could not believe his eyes: the place where Maria lived was extremely dirty, full of old junk and things to be thrown away.
Once taken to the vet, Maria was able to receive the necessary medical treatment; her tumor was removed and the operation went incredibly well. Moreover, that poor dog has finally begun to understand what it means to receive the affection of a loving family.

Today Maria is very happy with her new family and is free to run wherever she wants. It is clear that a fantastic new life has begun for her.