8 litte hedgehogs are orphaned and refuse to eat, but then a cat starts to take care of them

by Alison Forde

April 21, 2020

8 litte hedgehogs are orphaned and refuse to eat, but then a cat starts to take care of them

In all circumstances, even the most adverse, it seems that Nature knows very well how to carry on. When 8 small hedgehogs suddenly lost their mother due to an accident, the hoglets found themselves alone and disconsolate. Their fate now seemed to be sealed, especially because they refused to be fed artificially with a saucer and syringe. The deputy director of the zoo in Sadgorod, Russia, where the little hedgehogs were brought, tried to stimulate the appetite of the little ones, without however obtaining great results. Then the stroke of genius: her cat had just finished nursing her kittens and her milk had not yet run out ... perhaps it would work!

via Youtube / RT



The replacement mom worked: Alyona Asnowina's cat had just had a litter and the woman thought it a good idea to put the 8 unfortunate hedgehogs in the hands of her mother-cat. It took the cat a few moments to understand how to behave; after a few seconds the hoglets, feeling the mother-cat's heat and the smell of milk, finally started to eat. 



The cat did not show any signs of annoyance, on the contrary - she lay down and very calmly let the hedgehogs feed on her milk. The little hedgehogs were with the cat for over a week, after which they learned to eat on their own. Nonetheless, the cat continued to keep them company and kept an eye on them until the end.



An unusual story, between two animals that we usually hardly ever see together. Nature, however, always knows how to surprise us and how to move us at such a sight!
