What does this kitten do when she is "forced" to take a bath?

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 18, 2016

What does this kitten do when she is "forced" to take a bath?

If you follow us, then you know by now that the myth that cats absolutely cannot stand water is only, in fact ... a myth and in this video the little kitten Clover once again proves it.

When Clover's lady owner feeds her, the kitten's cute clumsiness makes sure that at the end of the meal the kitten is dirty. But evidently, Clover knows that by getting dirty this will invariably cause something else to happen: She gets to do something that she loves very much -- take a bath! 

Look at how Clover relaxes as the water flows all over her, in fact, the little kitten even seems to be daydreaming!
