This mom donated over 140 bottles of breast milk after unfortunately losing her own baby

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 29, 2019

This mom donated over 140 bottles of breast milk after unfortunately losing her own baby

Sometimes, unfortunately, dramatic and unexpected things happen in life, which put us to the test and mark us forever.

For a future mother, discovering that the baby she is carrying will probably not survive is a terrible blow, and it is something that for some people makes them risk losing hope and faith.

But for others, in these difficult moments, they manage to gather unexpected faith and strength and achieve great actions from great pain.

In this regard, the story of young Alexis Marrino best illustrates this assertion.

via Daily Mail

Here it is!! I knew that when I found out I was pregnant that I wanted to breastfeed and/or pump, but when I found out...

Pubblicato da Alexis Marrino su Giovedì 19 settembre 2019

When the young woman, during a routine ultrasound scan, discovered that there was no hope of survival for her baby, the woman decided, despite everything, to carry the pregnancy to term, and on 29 July 2019 gave birth to McKinleigh Jade.

The baby was born with severe cranial and cerebral malformations. However, for a few hours, the parents were able to embrace their little girl, who unfortunately passed away the same day.

The new mother, who had always hoped to be able to breastfeed her baby, thus decided not let all her precious mother's milk go to waste, and instead, give it to the little children who might need it.

Alexis Marrino/Facebook

Alexis Marrino/Facebook

"I knew I couldn't save her life, but I could at least help save the lives of other little babies," said Alexis.

Thus, in the two months after the birth of her daughter, this woman was able to donate well over 140 bottles of breast milk.

It was not easy to think of giving others something that had been created for her own baby, but the woman felt that this was the right thing to do.

In fact, Alexis's mother's milk will help many children in difficulty, and the memory of her unfortunate baby girl will live in each of the babies who are born and - survive to grow up - thanks to Alexis's precious breast milk. 

Alexis Marrino/Facebook

Alexis Marrino/Facebook
