This dog waited for its owners for 4 years in the same place

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 19, 2019

This dog waited for its owners for 4 years in the same place

The story we are telling you today is one about a dog that was not abandoned but left behind by accident. However, what happened was still a traumatic experience for this loyal canine.

It is said that dogs are man's best friends, and we cannot but agree with this statement. Leo, a dog from Thailand who was accidentally left alone in a gas station by his human family, is certainly a loyal friend.

In fact, after four long years, Leo is still there.

via Daily Mail UK



During those four years, many local people had noticed the punctuality and precision with which Leo always arrived at the same place where he had been left behind by accident and where he still waits for the return of his human family.

Also during those years, a woman named Saowalak had also done her best to give the dog, food and a new home, but systematically poor Leo always ran away from her house and returned to the exact same waiting place.







With time, the images of Leo waiting for his family started to be published on the Internet, until thanks to the numerous posts on the social media networks, the dog's real family saw and recognized their lost dog!

Not only had they lost their beloved dog on that unlucky day in 2015, but they had started to fear the worst over time.

And instead, as they later confirmed, as soon as they saw the photos they immediately could see that the dog strongly resembled their own beloved BonBon. 



But the story of the poor dog abandoned by mistake was about to have an unexpected turn ...

Anuchit Uncharoen

Anuchit Uncharoen



Anuchit Uncharoen

Anuchit Uncharoen



In fact, now the mystery had been solved! The real name of Leo was BonBon and the dog had not been deliberately abandoned and his human family was ready to take him back home with them.

Leo, however, despite the fact that the was really happy to see his human family again, but after four years of absence, the poor dog had made a decision.

Leo chose to remain under the loving care of Saowalak, the local woman who had in all that time taken care of him and had nurtured the lost dog with her affection.

The dog's previous family agreed to "pass the baton" to Saowalak promising to contribute financially by sending money to help her pay for Leo's maintenance and veterinarian expenses.



After four long years of waiting, it was finally time for BonBon to accept his new home and a new human family that could give him all the love and care that he needs.
