This little dog refused to leave the hospital room of the woman it had saved

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 17, 2019

This little dog refused to leave the hospital room of the woman it had saved

That dogs and cats can have a therapeutic effect on people who do not have good health is well known, so much so that the realities that promote and practice pet therapy, that is to say, medical treatments carried out with the primary help of these wonderful four-legged animals, are becoming more and more frequent.

In fact, dogs, indeed, have so much to give to those who take care of them, and in return, they never ask for a lot.

For these faithful and loyal creatures, the very fact of being at the side of a human who loves them and perceiving themselves to be an important component of that person's life is their reward and reason for happiness.

These concepts are completely valid also in the context of the story we are about to tell you. Protagonists, a woman named Shauna Darcy and Ruby, her female assistance dog, with whom she has a truly unique and special relationship. Let's see what happened.




When Shauna started experiencing health problems, she did not understand very well what was happening to her.

Shauna, like many people, was underestimating the warning signs or discomforts considering them to be minor, or at least not very serious. However, when her pitbull Ruby began to behave strangely, Shauna began to worry.

This was because it seemed as if the dog Ruby had sensed that something was wrong with her human friend. And the little dog was trying in every way to get Shauna's attention and was adopting behaviors that the woman had never seen before.



Ruby's extraordinary detection abilities were certainly due to the fact that the dog was in training to become an assistance dog, but there is no doubt that she was able to effectively transmit her particular attention request to Shauna.

Driven by these behaviors, the woman decided to call the emergency health service and undergo medical tests, and she discovered that little dog had had the right intuition.

In fact, from the hospital examinations, it was revealed that Shauna had a rare cardiovascular pathology, namely, the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Her dog Ruby, therefore, had actually realized that something was wrong with her human friend even before Shauna had been examined by her doctor.

From that moment on, the pitbull has helped Shauna face medical treatments and therapy sessions every day.

From being simple support to alleviate depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia, for the woman, now Ruby is a constant and vital presence, without which, by Shauna's own admission, it would be difficult to go on in life and live well.

The little pitbull dog, in fact, not only has done much more than what any other therapy dog ​​would do but, also when Shauna thought it was time to leave the hospital, Ruby refused to leave her hospital room and the bed where she had been hospitalized.

In fact, Ruby was constantly by Shaun's side for the entire time that she was hospitalized and remained close and present even during the times when Shauna's health conditions had become worse.



Furthermore, Ruby always makes sure not to stray too far from Shauna, thereby, managing to make her presence felt as if it were real medicine, for the body and for the soul.

Not only, in fact, did the little dog urge Shauna to be visited by doctors, but Ruby has also assisted her in such a personal and affectionate way that each of us would want to have such a faithful four-legged friend by our side.
