These 7-year-old girls are considered by many to be the most beautiful twins in the world

"The apple never falls far from the tree" is a very popular saying that refers to the fact that a child usually has a similar character or similar qualities to his or her parents.
In many cases, this is very fortunate for the children, while in others ... well, it may happen that they inherit some unpleasant traits, for instance.
In any case, children are still children and their parents accept them with love for what they are. However, the twins, Leah Rose and Ava Marie Clements can, without a doubt, be considered very lucky to have inherited all of that beauty from their mom and dad.
Consequently, with two parents who are fashion models, the apples could not fall too far ...
Both Kevin and Jaqi Clements work in the fashion industry and passed on their magnetic good looks to their offspring. The couple's first child, a son named Chase Robert, also inherited an extraordinary beauty - which is also nothing to be surprised about.
The twins born in 2010, Leah and Ava, have always been distinguished for their beauty and, of course, similarity: "As far back as I can remember, strangers have approached me and looked in the stroller and asked me if Leah and Ava were twins."
Then there were always highly complimentary phrases like, "Wow, how beautiful they are. You should really think about a modeling career for them," Jaqi recalls.
However, Jaqi and Kevin, as the twins' loving parents, had to think seriously about if and when they should let their young daughters pursue a modeling career.
Therefore, they waited several years until they thought it was the right time to ask their daughters if they would like to jump into the fashion world and start a modeling career, parallel to school and sports.
The twins were by then 7 years old and, as their mother said, they were really very excited to pursue the same profession as their parents.
Having confirmed the interest of the twins in a modeling career, the mother Jaqi created an Instagram account for her daughters, which she personally manages and in which she started publishing the first photos of the two twin girls, taken in her garage with an old camera.
The twins Instagram account was immediately a great success and after only one year their account had already gained almost a million followers.
For many people, the two girls are considered the most beautiful twins in the world.
In addition to their Instagram account, in the same year, Leah and Ava signed a contract with two modeling agencies, which have already booked them for various fashion chains.
However, the photos on Instagram and photo shoots are currently more of a hobby than a real job.
Moreover, the photographic services which the parents must pay for to promote the twins are also excessively expensive, due to the high travel costs to reach photographic studios and other expenses such as, for example, overnight stays in hotels and restaurant meals.
"Many people believe that parents like us make a lot of money because our children work in fashion. Wrong! In our case, we spend a whole lot more money to support our children, than to make a real profit. Probably this happens in many other cases, as well," says Jaqi.
Nevertheless, the parents of these three beautiful children believe that this initial investment will repay everyone afterward.
For now, the twin girls are having fun and are looking forward to wearing new clothes and making new friends when they are booked for photo shoots and fashion modeling jobs.
It seems that they have a bright future in front of them and we will probably hear about them again in the coming years.