This little girl keeps all the gifts she receives from a flock of crows she has fed for 4 years

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 15, 2019

This little girl keeps all the gifts she receives from a flock of crows she has fed for 4 years

Gabi Mann, the little protagonist of this beautiful true story, is only 8 years old.

And yet she has experienced a relationship of friendship and trust for over four years with a small flock of crows that she feeds every day with scraps of food, nuts, and canned dog food!

In response, the crows have been giving her for some years now, different kinds of small "gifts" as a sign of their gratitude and appreciation.

And Gabi jealously preserves every object offered by the crows in meticulously labeled little plastic bags!

via BBC News



This little 8-year-old girl named Gabi Mann from Seattle, Washington started feeding the crows with her brother almost by chance!

In fact, Gabi started in late 2013, noting that the birds in question not only appreciated the birdseed mix that she left at the bus stop for them every morning, but they also began to frequently assume behaviors in which they clearly demonstrated that they recognized the person who gave them those generous offers of food.



Little by little, Gabi's entire family began to take interest in the flock of friendly and generous crows that gathered every day waiting for the child to get off the school bus and go home to give the waiting crows their food, consisting mostly of food scraps, nuts, and canned dog food.

In fact, it was precisely Gabi's compassionate habit that gave way to the crows adopting their own habit of bringing her small gifts in return for the food they received from her.

These dark-feathered birds have donated a bit of everything to Gabi's family over the years: from screws and nails to used and lost earrings, door and window hinges, polished pebbles, odd pieces of wire and metal and even the lens cover of Gabi's mother Lisa's camera, that she had lost days ago while she was out taking pictures of a bald eagle!







This story is undoubtedly proof that crows, often wrongly linked to contexts and negative feelings, are truly among the most friendly and intelligent raptors that exist on planet Earth. And little Gabi Mann would most certainly agree!
