The story of Piglet, a little pink dog that helps children to appreciate the world around them

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 11, 2019

The story of Piglet, a little pink dog that helps children to appreciate the world around them

Piglet, the pink-haired dog, is capturing attention on the Internet more and more each day!

This is especially true since the guardian of this splendid canine specimen - a cross between the Dachshund and the Chihuahua - has opened an Instagram account with the photographs of this incredible four-legged friend that have been shared and posted far and wide!

This splendid dog has also had an amazing life, going from living on the streets and being rescued to becoming a very popular and beloved therapy dog ​​for young children.

Here is Piglet's wonderful story.

via Daily Mail



Rescued from the streets of a town in Georgia, Piglet has received the best care from Melissa Shapiro, a veterinarian from Connecticut, who immediately took to heart the fate of this unusual pink-colored mestizo puppy.

As a matter of fact, Piglet indeed has serious physical problems as this tiny little dog was born both deaf and blind.



Despite the difficulty in raising a dog with such difficulties, Melissa immediately fell in love with Piglet and decided that he absolutely had to be part of her life, so she decided to adopt him.

Despite living in Melissa's house along with six other puppies, Piglet was very shy and anxious at first and it was difficult for him to adapt. But then things changed for the little dog ...



Thanks to the support of a third grade class from Plainville in Massachusetts, Piglet has become a therapy dog ​​for all those children who find themselves, for one reason or another, facing a difficult life and having to deal with various social problems.

This splendid blind and deaf pink dog has, therefore, become a symbol of being able to overcome problems and still live a life that is full of love and purpose.

Moreover, this positive message has encouraged other people to also adopt four-legged friends that might have "special needs".



In fact, thanks to the funds received, Melissa Shapiro was able to collect the sum of $30,000 to help animal shelters and non-profit organizations that encourage the adoption of special needs dogs.



Today, Piglet has an Instagram page followed by more than 123,000 followers. This admirable little dog continues to be a model of courage and solidarity in the world of animal adoptions. Congratulations, little Piglet!




