Bear 'joins' family picnic: footage capturing the scene is jaw-dropping (+ VIDEO)

by Cinzia Borgia

June 29, 2023

Bear 'joins' family picnic: footage capturing the scene is jaw-dropping (+ VIDEO)

When one chooses to set out and go on a nice hike with the whole family, fresh air, peace and quiet, nature and a lot of fun can only come to mind. Sharing such an experience as a family creates unforgettable memories and strengthens the bonds between its members. So why hesitate and not go into the thick of a verdant and wild forest backpacking?

Well, the family featured in this story found a valid reason, even a big one.

Bear 'joins' family picnic: footage capturing the scene is jaw-dropping (+ VIDEO) - 1

We are talking about Kaitlyn Nesbit's little family, who captured firsthand an extraordinary, incredible, and equally shocking event.

They were all inside a wooded area in Maryland, and once they had gone deep into the dense vegetation, they had decided to make a stop to refresh themselves: they had set up a wooden table and begun to feast on some temptingly smelling delicacies...

So a specimen of black bear had made its appearance, peeking out from among some shrubs....

Bear 'joins' family picnic: footage capturing the scene is jaw-dropping (+ VIDEO) - 2

The creature had moved, slow but determined, toward the little family, and sniffing the air had soon popped right among them. That apparition had not, however, disconcerted any of those people all that much, who, as stunned and incredulous as they were, had not even gotten up from the table.

In the video, we can see the bear arrive close to the table and "almost take its place" on it, as if it were an expected guest who arrived a few minutes late: the wild animal literally rests on a corner of the wooden planks of the table and goes with its snout to "taste" some food there. One man even stretches some food in the direction of the beast's snout and leaves a "mound" of that meal all for him.

But that is not all.

The same individual who had "served" the bear extends a hand toward him and gives him a little "tap" as if to give him a "cuddle."

Throughout the scene, which is painstakingly captured by Kaitlyn, we can hear the cheerful clique talking and uttering amused and astonished exclamations.

Of course, in the event of encountering a potentially dangerous animal such as a bear, it is advisable not to make sudden gestures or raise your voice too much to avoid frightening it. But remaining completely impassive in the face of a possible danger of that magnitude is perhaps equally inadvisable.

What do you guys think?
