These four little girls who survived cancer meet 3 years later in the same hospital where they were treated

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 03, 2019

These four little girls who survived cancer meet 3 years later in the same hospital where they were treated

Sometimes, it is the hardest difficulties that life puts before us that gives us the the greatest strength and creates more empathy among people, so as to form unbreakable bonds between those who find themselves having to face the same painful and complicated situation.

A child with cancer is certainly one of the most heartbreaking circumstances that both parents and children can experience. Facing such an adversity, in fact, is already difficult for an adult person.

Just try to imagine what it means for a child, who would like to be able to live a carefree and happy childhood, and certainly not be confined to a hospital room.

The story we are about to tell you about has four really special little girls as protagonists, and it really shows that, even during the worst difficulties, it is possible to find strength, courage, and joy with the support of those around us, while building deep and wonderful friendships.

via Fox13 News

Inside Edition/YouTube

Inside Edition/YouTube

Lauren, McKinley, Ava, and Chloe are four girls who, at the age of 3, were treated for cancer at John Hopkins Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.

During the very difficult period of convalescence, the four small patients had their share of challenging moments, and it is not hard to understand why. In fact, these are problematic situations in which therapies, side effects, and fear can really make everyday life complicated.

Thus, the support of those who are experiencing the same problems becomes fundamental and, as only children can do, with spontaneity and joy -  these four patients were able to find a perfect connection.

McKinley, Lauren, and Ava all suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia, while Chloe was being treated for a rare form of lung cancer. The first time they met, they were all in the midst of the most invasive treatments to combat their serious diseases. And such treatments led, of course, also hair loss.

Inside Edition/YouTube

Inside Edition/YouTube

The mothers of the four little friends immediately noticed with surprise and joy what was happening.

According to Shawna, Lauren's mother, it was precisely the fact that they were all taking part in the same therapies and that they all had the same aspect and appearance, including no hair, that triggered the special empathy among the four girls.

For the four little girls, in fact, the hospital environment - although forced - was a situation of "normality", in which they recognized themselves, giving each other extra strength. And so, it was also for their mothers, who were able, through their own special bond, to rely on each other during the difficult period of the cancer treatments.

Talking to each other, giving each other a helping hand, knowing that there is another person who is experiencing exactly the same feelings and the same fears can only be elements that helped them move forward. In fact, closing oneself up in solitude, in these cases, is truly counterproductive.

Inside Edition/YouTube

Inside Edition/YouTube

The young girls are now ex-patients as they have all completed their treatments and defeated the pathologies that had disturbed their serenity.

And they could not be better friends, even though they have left the pediatric hospital. In fact, to celebrate their friendship and most of all the fact that they all survived cancer, they decided to return to the John Hopkins Hospital, reunited.

Consequently, three years after their victory, they took the same group photo they had taken during their hospitalization. And the differences are obvious, but only in physical appearance, because their cheerful spirit and their bright smiles are still the same.

There is no denying that the story of these four little friends shows how important it is to help others, to comfort each other, and to fight decisively against a common "enemy".

And, although for them the adversities of life had manifested themselves very soon, these young girls have certainly already understood that together, and with courage, even the worst moments can be overcome.
