They take turns sitting on a giant turtle to take photos and the images generate a wave of indignation

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 11, 2019

They take turns sitting on a giant turtle to take photos and the images generate a wave of indignation

The number one enemy of the animals that live on our planet Earth is the human species.

Without wasting too many words, we must admit that we are the ones most responsible for the extinction of many species that have disappeared from the face of our planet.

And in that regard, environmental pollution plays an important role but extinction has also been caused by other, even worse, cruelties inflicted on these hapless creatures.

Case in point is a video dating back to 5 July 2019 that shows human beings displaying an utter lack of respect, care, and appreciation for a beautiful giant sea turtle; actions that have provoked indignation around the world.

via Daily Mail UK



The video, shot in an amatorial way in Indonesia, shows a group of bathers of all ages on the Asukeri beach, who are determined to not miss the opportunity of being filmed or photographed, sitting on the back of this extraordinary specimen of the famous giant leatherback sea turtle.

In a few hours, the video of their wrongdoing went viral around the Internet, generating indignation, alarm, and leading to a general condemnation of what had happened.

The sea turtle, or to be exact, the famous leatherback sea turtle, according to the official World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates, has seen the number of its specimens decline in recent years.



Although leatherback sea turtles do not really have natural predators, they are particularly vulnerable to the dangerous pollution present in the seas in the form of plastic objects, plastic bags, and fishing nets.

This is especially true since these extraordinary sea turtles love to eat jellyfish and very often they digest plastic bags abandoned in the seas by human beings, mistaking them for jellyfish that make up the major part of their daily diet. 

Therefore, if the specimens of leatherback sea turtles, the largest species of turtle known in nature that can even weigh half a ton, are on the verge of extinction then it is obvious that the reckless acts of malicious mischief like those in the video must be condemned.



We must do everything we can to preserve the natural habitats of these wildlife animals and not destroy them with our carelessness. Furthermore, we should never be guilty of purposefully endangering the life and safety of the many wonderful specimens of animals that are gradually disappearing from our planet often because of us. 





