She finds a dog near a river tied to a 13-pound iron bar and the woman does not think twice and saves it

If we were to count how many times we have narrated stories about animals being abused by human beings, we would be still here counting for a long time!
In fact, the reality is that each year, hundreds of thousands of our four-legged friends are not only abandoned in heartless ways by their owners but are also placed in sadistic situations of physical and psychological abuse, without any moral justification.
But fortunately, there are still angels in the world who watch over these unfortunate animals.

The story that we are going to narrate happened in Lithuania, when a woman, named Audra Petraskiene, was taking her morning walk near a river, and fortunately, by chance, found a poor little dog who couldn't move because it had an iron bar attached to its neck!
For Audra, immediately, the situation seemed clear! Someone had deliberately tried to abandon and get rid of the dog, there by the river, in the "hope" of drowning it.
It was difficult for the dog to immediately trust in the woman who had approached it, especially after such a traumatic experience in which the dog's owner had abandoned it, deliberately and without ceremony!
It took a while before Audra and her daughter Andra managed to convince the little dog to come inside their house. In any case, the dog's malnutrition was quickly noted and the two women immediately took the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic.
Later, after some research, Audra managed to get in touch with the owner of the dog, who revealed that the disappearance of the animal was due to a terrible act of "revenge" by a neighbor who had stolen his four-legged friend several days prior to it being found.
But now the dog, who is the fortunate protagonist of this story, with a happy ending is in good hands! This is especially thanks to the generosity and tenacity of Audra and her daughter, who saved the dog from a terrible fate.
These are stories we would never want to tell because, above all, they should never ever happen. But the big hearts of kind and generous people can very often really make a difference!