A "special" puppy is thrown and abandoned in a canal, but after a few days a new life will begin

Violent abuse countered by an even greater desire to live. Once again, we have animals, that continue to give us lessons in courage and loyalty.
Faced with such intense scenes, we cannot help but wonder how cruel some humans can be as shown by this premeditated cruelty at the expense of a defenseless creature.
Nothing is known about the dog's owner, the only thing, unfortunately, that is certain is that this individual is still free.
In fact, someone left this little puppy in a kind of canal or river bed in Los Angeles (USA) with a clear plan: its death.
But this "die-hard" puppy simply refused to die, fought and survived against all expectations.

When the puppy was rescued it was immediately noted that one of the poor animal's paws had been cut off to prevent it from escaping and the puppy had been thrown into a canal with a height of at least 16.5 feet (5 meters).

But this person had not taken into consideration the survival instinct of this little puppy. The painful days that it had experienced did not prevail over its will to live.
And thus when Eldad Agar, from an animal rights association, found the little puppy, although it was in very poor condition, it was still alive! In fact, the puppy could not even bark, it was only able to whimper and cry.

Immediately, many people took action to help the little puppy and took him to a veterinarian even if the expectations were really very low, indeed.
After receiving first aid care, bath treatments to eliminate the parasites, food, water, and a little love, the "die-hard" warrior puppy started to show signs of recovery and was baptized Jordan.

Today, Jordan is finally happy and makes his new family happy, too.

Unbelievable that such a joyful spirit was hidden inside that hurting and sad little being! Jordan is very sociable and loves to play. The absence of one of his paws is barely perceptible.

Best wishes to this little puppy that had fallen into the hands of the wrong type of human being! And kudos to Jordan's saving angels!