These two women celebrated their 30 years of friendship by getting two smiling beer mug tattoos

It is said that true friendship can withstand all the adversities of life.
In fact, the life paths and the choices in front of which we can find ourselves can often be so many and diverse, as to make it difficult to maintain relationships, even the most cherished ones.
So, friendships can come and go; start and end for the most futile reasons, maybe even inexplicable.
This is not the case with these two Brazilian friends who have known each other for a lifetime and have decided to celebrate their 30 years of friendship with a very special gesture.
What better way to spend their time together in friendship than chatting over a beer? Moreover, for many friends, it is an essential ritual.
It is also true for Ilda, 70, and Terezinha, 66, who have decided to get two smiling beer mugs tattooed on their respective arms.
The photos of Ilda and Terezinha that portray them happy and smiling with their identical tattoos, were posted on the Internet by the grandson of one of the two friends.
Their bond of trust and love of simple things like a beer and a chat immediately generated appreciative comments and a great feeling of sympathy, so much so that it has spread around the world.
A beautiful story of friendship that many would like to live and experience. Finding a loyal person whom one can trust and share everything, even the darkest moments, is really a great goal to pursue.
And what do you think? Do you have a friend with whom you feel you have the same type of relationship?