Police officers save a young boy after months of ill-treatment and the next day one of the policemen decides to adopt him!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 10, 2019

Police officers save a young boy after months of ill-treatment and the next day one of the policemen decides to adopt him!

To be a child, in the reality to which most people are accustomed, is not just a phase of growth, but a dimension that is protected and a sacred right for every individual.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world and in different circumstances and conditions, the reality experienced is very different.

In fact, in those regrettable situations, children are being denied and stripped of their ability to live a normal childhood.

Luckily, every once in a while, someone has the courage to act in the right way, and help put things back in their proper order.

This is what happened in Poteau, a town in the County of Le Flore, in Oklahoma. The story began when a local police officer, Jody Thompson, responded to a call that reported a potential case of child abuse.

After arriving at the location, the police officer found himself in front of a scene which he had never witnessed in all the 16 years of his career and certainly never as an investigator in the District Attorney's office.

What he found was a young boy, about eight years old, who was visually undernourished, and his body was also marked by obvious signs of beatings, and from living in deplorable conditions.


Immediately, the forensic medical experts had examined the young boy, whose name is John, and then Jody had personally accompanied him to the emergency room and remained by the little boy's side every minute, even while the young patient was in the intensive care unit. Something inside Jody told him that the only way to ensure his safety was to keep the little boy with him. 

Consequently, the very next day, Jody submitted an application to become the legally adoptive parent of the little boy, which was no small surprise for his own family!

Especially because, at the time, the police officer already had two sons, 15 and 8 years old, and his wife was pregnant with their third child! But even before Jody explained his motives, his whole family knew that he had done it for a valid reason.

In addition, as if that was not enough, about seven months later, the Department of Human Services called to communicate that young John's biological mother, had given birth to a baby girl while in prison.

On hearing this, the Thompson family did not hesitate for a moment, and also accepted the little baby girl into their home. Jody could never have imagined that his life would have turned out this way, but now he gives thanks to God every day.

Yes, because Jody realizes that he has received the incredible gift of a large and wonderful family, plus the opportunity to accomplish an act of genuine love and compassion.

Furthermore, at the local police department, where Jody works, he is considered to be a true hero due to his courage and compassion. As well as an example that every person should follow when one has the opportunity to make real a difference!
