This woman crossed half the world to find again the dog that had saved her life

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 21, 2019

This woman crossed half the world to find again the dog that had saved her life

The deep bond that can be established between a human being and an animal is something extraordinary.

The world is full of episodes that testify how four-legged friends know how to make the difference when in contact with human beings.

They are capable of performing acts of pure courage or simply of making life happier and fuller by offering their unconditional love every day.

The story in question is about a young woman and the little dog that saved her life.

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The story happened in July 2015 when the then 25-year-old Georgia Bradley, living in the UK (United Kingdom), was on vacation in Crete, Greece.

The young woman was walking alone on a beach when suddenly two men approached her and tried to rape her.

Then, suddenly, apparently appearing out of nowhere, a stray dog ​​arrived and noting the situation, ran to help Georgia, starting to bark loudly and growl at the attackers.

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The dog made such a racket, that it dissuaded the bad guys, who after a few moments ran away. Having escaped what was a clear and present danger, the woman decided to take the dog, who she named Pepper, back to her hotel bungalow.

Once she reached the hotel bungalow where she was staying, she narrated what had happened to her friends with whom she was sharing the accommodations.

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A strong connection was immediately established between the young woman and Pepper as if the two had known each other for a long time.

In fact, when the time came to leave for the UK, Georgia was forced to leave the dog behind. Consequently, it was a heartbreaking farewell for both of them, so much so that the animal remained for a long time staring at the car as the group of friends drove away.

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As soon as Georgia had returned home to the UK, she realized that she could not stop thinking about Pepper, so two weeks later she took a plane again --- to return to Crete to get her new best friend and take him back with her. Nevertheless, the young woman was also fully aware of how crazy the idea was since there was only a slight chance of finding the dog again, still in the same place.

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Her venture lasted about five weeks and cost thousands of English pounds, but after a lot of searching, Georgia and Pepper finally managed to embrace each other anew, this time never to be separated again.

The story has a double happy ending because before being allowed to bring the little dog into the UK, it was necessary to leave Pepper in a quarantine kennel as required by British sanitary regulations. After passing the required amount of time in quarantine, the veterinarians informed Georgia that Pepper was pregnant! And later Pepper, gave birth to six beautiful puppies in full health, just like their mother.
