A Thai businessman offers a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone who marries his daughter

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 11, 2019

A Thai businessman offers a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone who marries his daughter

In many countries, it is still in use the tradition that the promised groom or his family must offer a bride price to the family of the future bride, as a condition of marriage. 

However, there is a gentleman who has gone against tradition; not in the sense of rejecting the bride price, but for the fact that he wants to give a dowry to his future son-in-law - who is still unknown, simply because his daughter is still single.

If this sounds strange to your ears, wait until you find out about the other details of this incredible Thai story.

via dailymail.co.uk

A Thai businessman offers a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone who marries his daughter - 1

His name is Arnon Rodthong, he is 58 years old, and his greatest wish is that his 26-year-old daughter Karnsita gets married as soon as possible.

The problem is that Karnsita is still single and she is always busy helping her father run their family business in Durian, in the province of Chumphon, a region where the family also owns many other properties.

To realize his dream, Arnon has decided to offer a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone offering to take Karnsita as their wife, along with his Durian farm property, the largest in the region, valued at several million dollars.

A Thai businessman offers a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone who marries his daughter - 2

Obviously, the ideal candidate must satisfy the following three conditions

  • 1. "He does not need to be very intelligent, as long as he can read and write."
  • 2. "He must be a hard worker, and never be lazy."
  • 3. "He must be careful with money and love the durian."

For those who do not know, the durian is a slightly oval fruit, covered with a spikey shell and dubbed "the smelliest fruit in the world". In fact, the durian has a strong and pungent smell that permeates the outer shell. Moreover, Mr. Rodthong's company processes 50 tons a day. 

Furthermore, Arnon explains: "I want someone to take care of my business and make it continue to prosper, not a person with a bachelor's degree, a master's degree or a philosopher, I want a diligent and hardworking man, someone with a productive attitude." 

This is because, clearly, "As soon as I have a son-in-law, I will concede all my wealth and property to him."

A Thai businessman offers a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone who marries his daughter - 3

And Kernsita, what does she think of your father's offer? It should be noted that the young lady only became aware of the gesture of her father through a friend, who showed her the announcement, to which, all in all, she has reacted well. 

"Well, I was surprised, but I can also see the funny side of the issue." And about the offer, she adds, "It's true that I'm still single, and so if I must marry someone, I just want him to be diligent, hardworking, and a good person, who loves his family."

A Thai businessman offers a dowry of $315,000 USD to anyone who marries his daughter - 4

Karnsita, however, has hinted that she could end up clashing with her husband, as she would like to use part of the dowry money for "plastic surgery in Korea". 

If you are interested, you should know that the rich twenty-six-year-old Thai speaks fluently Chinese and English and that, although she has older siblings, none of them have reacted in a contentious manner to their father's proposal. 

Is there anyone who wants to apply?
