This woman with a huge baby bump gave birth to a wonderful 13 lb girl

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 19, 2018

This woman with a huge baby bump gave birth to a wonderful 13 lb girl

For a mother, having a child never loses its novelty, regardless of the number of children she has previously had.

In fact, for Chrissy Corbitt, it really was an experience never felt before, namely that of carrying in her womb, a baby girl who in her ninth month of pregnancy boasted a weight of 13 lb (6 kg), despite having already given birth to four children.

The pregnancy and childbirth continued without any particular problems ... except for the difficulties of the mother to carry the weight of a belly so big!

However, for mother, Chrissy, the joy of being able to hold in her arms 13 lb (6 kg) of tender sweetness, has completely erased the memory of all the efforts of such a demanding pregnancy!

The doctors who followed her did not hide their amazement because it is not every day they could monitor the birth of a 13 lb (6 kg) baby girl!

The doctors who followed her did not hide their amazement because it is not every day they could monitor the birth of a 13 lb (6 kg) baby girl!

Larry and Chrissy Corbitt


Fortunately, mother Chrissy did not encounter any problems during the nine months of her pregnancy. Carleigh was born very healthy with a weight double the average of newborn babies!

Fortunately, mother Chrissy did not encounter any problems during the nine months of her pregnancy. Carleigh was born very healthy with a weight double the average of newborn babies!

Larry and Chrissy Corbitt

Chrissy narrates how, while she was giving birth, all the doctors and nurses were surprised by the size of her child.

Chrissy narrates how, while she was giving birth, all the doctors and nurses were surprised by the size of her child.

Larry and Chrissy Corbitt

As soon as she was born, Carleigh already wore the clothes of 9-month-old newborn and skipped the first two sizes of diapers!

As soon as she was born, Carleigh already wore the clothes of 9-month-old newborn and skipped the first two sizes of diapers!


Children are all indistinctly sweet and irresistible when they are newborns ... But in the case of Carleigh, everything is raised to the maximum power!

Children are all indistinctly sweet and irresistible when they are newborns ... But in the case of Carleigh, everything is raised to the maximum power!

