The maternal instinct is stronger than anything else! Here are 15 of the most determined mothers that exist!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 16, 2018

The maternal instinct is stronger than anything else! Here are 15 of the most determined mothers that exist!

Have you ever wondered where the expression "mother hen" comes from, and why, instead, we do not say "mother cat" or "mother elephant"? 

Well, it is true that all mothers are kind and caring and very protective of their young, but hens are so much so that they even extend these "services" to the young of all species.

And, among the best services that hens provide, is the one by which they have always distinguished themselves, namely,  their ability to keep their offspring warm - no matter who it is! 

These amazing images are the irrefutable proof! ;)

 1. "We must embrace each other tightly and stay close to each other."'

 1. "We must embrace each other tightly and stay close to each other."'

overhauled / imgur


 2. "Shhh! Be quiet! Don't wake up my puppy!"

 2. "Shhh! Be quiet! Don't wake up my puppy!"


 3. Tender loving care without boundaries!

 3. Tender loving care without boundaries!


4. The little ones look a lot like each other ... and a lot less like their "mother".

4. The little ones look a lot like each other ... and a lot less like their "mother".

overhauled / imgur

5. A family that just got ... enlarged!

5. A family that just got ... enlarged!

Irina Pivovarchuk / twitter


6. This mother hen leaves even all the other hens speechless with her demonstration of selfless love!

6. This mother hen leaves even all the other hens speechless with her demonstration of selfless love!


7. "Aren't my little ones beautiful?"

7. "Aren't my little ones beautiful?"



8. A piglet engulfed by maternal love!

8. A piglet engulfed by maternal love!


9. This kitten has found the best place in the world to take a nap!

9. This kitten has found the best place in the world to take a nap!



10. A chicken "centipede"?

10. A chicken "centipede"?


11. When you are afraid of the dark but there is your mother who protects you!

11. When you are afraid of the dark but there is your mother who protects you!



12. Ugly ducklings are always beautiful for their mom.

12. Ugly ducklings are always beautiful for their mom.


13. "Hey, you human, why are you looking at me with that mocking smile?"

13. "Hey, you human, why are you looking at me with that mocking smile?"



14. "To each his or her own wing, so you see, there is absolutely no need to quarrel!"

14. "To each his or her own wing, so you see, there is absolutely no need to quarrel!"

