The magical moment when a doctor saves a cat's life from a revolving door at a hospital

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 21, 2018

The magical moment when a doctor saves a cat's life from a revolving door at a hospital

We are so caught up in the frenzy of our daily rhythm of life that we often do not pay due attention to what surrounds us, with the consequence that we can end up inadvertently creating disasters. 

This is what happened to a gentleman as he was leaving a hospital in Turkey!  Evidently, he was completely absorbed in his own thoughts and concerns when he entered the revolving door, therefore, he did not realize that on the other side, a white cat was also entering the revolving door --- with consequences that could have easily proved fatal for the animal.

The Dodo

The Dodo

Everything happened at the Özel Akgün Tem hospital in Istanbul. A distracted man, while pushing a revolving door,  did not see a white cat on the other side. In defense of the poor man, it must be said that, as soon as he heard the cries of the animal, he promptly stopped, preventing the irreparable from occurring. 

However, the unfortunate cat was still stuck in the revolving door, and it cried out in pain and then seemed to lose consciousness. The cat's end seemed near until it became clear that the man, Dr. Halil Akyürek, an Emergency Room doctor, was actually going to be its savior

The Dodo

The Dodo

Dr. Halil Akyürek was immediately aware of the cat's serious condition: "The cat's neck was completely blocked, it was struggling and it was difficult for it to breathe. We first freed it from the door, then we immediately started trying to revive it."

In the video posted by the hospital, you can clearly see Dr. Akyürek practicing a cardiac massage to reanimate the cat, which at first does not seem to give any signs of life. But thanks to Dr. Akyürek's intervention, the cat's heart started to beat again! The cat was immediately given oxygen to help it breathe --- luckily the cat was in a hospital! The good doctor then contacted a veterinarian to find out what medicines should be administered to the cat.

It is now clear, that the fortunate white cat has also opened another door --- the one to the doctor's heart! In fact, since then Dr. Akyürek has adopted the cat, and named it --- Miracle! 

Never was a name more aptly chosen! ;)
