18 ingenious and elegant ways to create a "garden" even if your house is small

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 30, 2018

18 ingenious and elegant ways to create a "garden" even if your house is small

The effects of green plants on the mood and on the health of human beings have not only been confirmed by many specific studies, but they can be experienced personally by each of us.

It is enough to dedicate yourself for a few minutes to gardening or to indulge in a walk in green nature to give the spirit both a feeling of new vitality as well as healing relaxation. 

However, if you do not have a house big enough to accommodate trees or large grassy lawns, do not despair! There are many solutions to create a green corner, even for those who live in a small apartment and have available at most a balcony. 

We have collected 18 different ideas and if you want to know more, you can find the link to the referenced blog under each image.

1. With tin cans, rope, and clothes hangers, you can create a garden to hang on a wall.

1. With tin cans, rope, and clothes hangers, you can create a garden to hang on a wall.



2. An old wooden pallet is a perfect solution for planting flowers or kitchen plants.

2. An old wooden pallet is a perfect solution for planting flowers or kitchen plants.


3. By attaching glass jars to a wooden board, you can create a vintage-looking and interesting plant-holder!

3. By attaching glass jars to a wooden board, you can create a vintage-looking and interesting plant-holder!


4. Very simple and effective! Common shower soap and shampoo holders can support plants outside (you can also color them as you like).

4. Very simple and effective! Common shower soap and shampoo holders can support plants outside (you can also color them as you like).


5. A metal net hanging on a wall will give your garden an industrial and elegant touch.

5. A metal net hanging on a wall will give your garden an industrial and elegant touch.



6. A series of rain gutters can become a beautiful hanging vegetable garden.

6. A series of rain gutters can become a beautiful hanging vegetable garden.


7. Many stores, such as IKEA, sell trolleys at various prices with shelves that you can use to place your favorite plants on.

7. Many stores, such as IKEA, sell trolleys at various prices with shelves that you can use to place your favorite plants on.



8. A pocket closet shoe organizer (like the ones that hang behind doors) can be modified to contain plants

8. A pocket closet shoe organizer (like the ones that hang behind doors) can be modified to contain plants

Buff Strickland / goodhousekeeping.com

9. You can aim for smething very elegant, like this geometric variant with wood and terracotta vases

9. You can aim for smething very elegant, like this geometric variant with wood and terracotta vases



10. Even a common wire mesh can support a vertical garden

10. Even a common wire mesh can support a vertical garden


11. If you want to rely on shelves, you can choose transparent ones to offer plants an enhanced infusion of heat and light.

11. If you want to rely on shelves, you can choose transparent ones to offer plants an enhanced infusion of heat and light.



12. Once again we see aluminum food cans used as planters and vases as they can be easily hung even on a simple fence.

12. Once again we see aluminum food cans used as planters and vases as they can be easily hung even on a simple fence.


13. Turn an economical IKEA coffee table into a homemade mini-garden for succulent plants.

13. Turn an economical IKEA coffee table into a homemade mini-garden for succulent plants.



14. You can use an open wardrobe closet as a support for hanging plants

14. You can use an open wardrobe closet as a support for hanging plants


15. Aquatic plants are a valid alternative to normal plants. Just position them in a place where they do not receive too much direct sun (to keep the water clear) and enjoy your aquatic garden!

15. Aquatic plants are a valid alternative to normal plants. Just position them in a place where they do not receive too much direct sun (to keep the water clear) and enjoy your aquatic garden!



16. Paying attention to avoid water stagnation, even normal multipurpose containers can become plant vases.

17. Even an old wooden ladder can become a support for a vertical garden!

17. Even an old wooden ladder can become a support for a vertical garden!


18. And finally, for those with an entire wall available, wooden boxes offer an effective and decidedly beautiful solution!

18. And finally, for those with an entire wall available, wooden boxes offer an effective and decidedly beautiful solution!

Ok! These were our ideas and we hope to have inspired you to add a little "green corner" to your home. And now get to work!
