This letter from a retired teacher has been shared by millions of people! Are you of the same opinion?

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 27, 2018

This letter from a retired teacher has been shared by millions of people! Are you of the same opinion?

Although the work of parents and teachers should have the common purpose of educating young people and being reliable guides for them, it is not rare that they turn out to be incapable of cooperating and end up in conflict with each other.

Regarding this relationship, a retired teacher named Lisa Roberson felt the need to express her opinion about why sometimes the school system fails and, mind you, she does not mince words.

In fact, her words have resonated with many people on the Internet. Tell us what you think!

Retired teacher Lisa Roberson expresses her opinion regarding the parent-child-teacher relationship in a letter to a local newspaper.

Retired teacher Lisa Roberson expresses her opinion regarding the parent-child-teacher relationship in a letter to a local newspaper.


Here are her words: 

"As a retired teacher, I am sick of people who know nothing about public schools or have not been in a classroom recently deciding how to fix our education system.

The teachers are not the problem! Parents are the problem! They are not teaching their children manners, respect, or even a general knowledge of how to get along with others. The children come to school in shoes that cost more than the teacher’s entire outfit, but have no pencil or paper. Who provides them? The teachers often provide them out of their own pockets.

When you look at schools that are “failing”, look at the parents and students. Do parents come to parent nights? Do they talk with the teachers regularly? Do they make sure their children are prepared by having the necessary supplies? Do they make sure their children do their homework?

Do they have working telephone numbers? Do the students take notes in class? Do they do their homework? Do the students listen in class, or they the sources of class disruptions?

When you look at these factors, you will see that it is not the schools that are failing but the parents. Teachers cannot do their jobs and the parents’ job. Until parents step up and do their job, nothing is going to get better!"

The words of this teacher appear really radical, yet in many years of work in contact with students, she surely has had to deal with parents who have not done a good job of raising their children. In your opinion, is it true that the main problem arises from these parents' shortcomings?


