Some cats do not care about anything ... and you can only fall in love with that!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 29, 2018

Some cats do not care about anything ... and you can only fall in love with that!

Get a cat, it's fun! There are those who would not believe it -- not one bit  --- and yet it is the truth!

Having a cat at home can be a lot of fun for the simple fact that these animals tend to be independent and little inclined to follow the rules! 

To see them perform the most outlandish tricks and maneuvers, especially in the morning and at dusk, is something that you soon get used to and that you end up loving! Here are some hilarious examples!

The guilty faces of two cats who have just built their own cat flap.

The guilty faces of two cats who have just built their own cat flap.



Maybe it's time to explain to my cat that the female human body goes through various changes, with age ...

Maybe it's time to explain to my cat that the female human body goes through various changes, with age ...


My cat and I have a love-hate relationship ...

My cat and I have a love-hate relationship ...


Your little baby can sleep elsewhere, as far as I'm concerned.

Your little baby can sleep elsewhere, as far as I'm concerned.

It does not matter who is adopted first --- a cat and a dog under the same roof will always end up like this.

It does not matter who is adopted first --- a cat and a dog under the same roof will always end up like this.

It's time for fun and games and nothing and no one can stop my cat!

It's time for fun and games and nothing and no one can stop my cat!

Go ahead and continue to work ... just pretend I am not here!

Go ahead and continue to work ... just pretend I am not here!

She also likes to play chess ... because she never loses!

She also likes to play chess ... because she never loses!


A cat does not immediately interrupt your activities. No, it waits for the exact moment when you are finally ready to start.

A cat does not immediately interrupt your activities. No, it waits for the exact moment when you are finally ready to start.

This is the satisfied and not at all repented look of a cat that has just chewed up three chargers for smartphones.

This is the satisfied and not at all repented look of a cat that has just chewed up three chargers for smartphones.


Do you know anything about their passion for doing the most absurd things?

Do you know anything about their passion for doing the most absurd things?

Here's another example ...

Here's another example ...

The owner is eating a tuna sandwich and this is how a dog begs --- and how a cat does it!

The owner is eating a tuna sandwich and this is how a dog begs --- and how a cat does it!

And this could go on for hours ...

And this could go on for hours ...

With their poses, cats are always ready to remind you how much more flexible and agile they are ... compared to you!

With their poses, cats are always ready to remind you how much more flexible and agile they are ... compared to you!

In regards to comfortable places ...

In regards to comfortable places ...

If I'm not careful, my cat will steal my identity!

If I'm not careful, my cat will steal my identity!

Mother and child decide it's time to play with the newspaper over a pile of my clean clothes!

Mother and child decide it's time to play with the newspaper over a pile of my clean clothes!

My cat just LOVES my artistic creations.

My cat just LOVES my artistic creations.

I have colonized this area, so do not even think of trying to take me out of here, human!

I have colonized this area, so do not even think of trying to take me out of here, human!

Do you have any cats? Tell us about the funniest things you've witnessed thanks to them!
